The Stack Overflow for marketing, sales automation scripts
Jasper Ruijs
Scripthub ā€” The Stack Overflow for marketing, sales automation scripts
Request, share, or help someone with automation scripts.
Jasper Ruijs
Hi šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø, My name is Jasper, and I am not a fan of repetitive click work, so whenever I can automate processes, I do.šŸ¦¾ To give you some background, I understand the basics of python, front-end development, and web scraping. But by any means, I am not a coding giant. So whenever my code isn't functioning correctly, I go to Stack Overflow šŸ™. But my marketing questions are not getting picked up by the community. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Then I bother my developers at my company, who aren't much better at helping because they have no experience with sales/marketing libraries like Beautifulsoup. Probably a data scientist could help me, but not everyone has that luxury. So, I thought that many 'lazy' marketers, salespeople, and growth hackers, like me, are already automating their processes; so why not give them a place to gather and share insights? šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø Check it out, and request your scripts. I am interested in your feedback.