Kevin William David

SEO App by SE Ranking - Always keep an eye on your website’s SEO progress

Keep your SEO ball rolling whenever you have some time on hand.
📈Check your keywords rankings, and scan your website for critical mistakes.
✅Add your website to popular listings, and find some SEO best practices to follow.
📱Available on iOS and Android

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Bogdan Babyak
Hey Product Hunters! The SE Ranking team has recently launched the mobile app 🚀, and as the company’s Marketing Team Lead, I’m excited to share some insights with you guys. SE Ranking is an all-in-one web platform that can help you with all sorts of SEO tasks. It’s great for SEO heavy-lifting, but sometimes all you need is to quickly check if your rankings are okay. That’s why we created the mobile app — it gives you instant access to all of the essentials. Now, it only takes two taps to see your website rankings, and it’s as easy as checking the weather forecast. The Rank Tracker tool is something every website owner can make use of. Whether you do your SEO all by yourself or you have an in-house/outsourced SEO expert, you want to keep an eye on your rankings. Besides, you can find the website’s Visibility score in the app and check if things are going well at a glance. If the score is growing, it means that your most important keywords now enjoy better rankings. Visibility score is something I myself check on a daily basis 🙂 In addition, 4 more tools made it to the app. They will come in handy for both SEO and marketing specialists. Website Audit will help you keep your website error-free. Once you scan a website, you’ll get a detailed report with all the issues on your website that need to be fixed. Marketing Plan will guide you on your way to better rankings. We’ve gathered all the SEO and marketing best practices that will help you optimize your website step by step. Business Listings will give you more online exposure. Add your site to popular online listings, directories, and catalogs to spread the word about your business and get some backlinks. Keyword Suggestions tool will help you find new keywords for your projects. You can analyze your competitors to draw some keyword ideas or enter any keyword and get related search queries. We plan on adding more tools to the app, but for now, SE Ranking web platform will help you with all the advanced SEO tasks. You can use both the mobile app and the web platform under a single account. Head to our website to explore what SE Ranking has to offer. Or download the app and try it out for yourself. 🎁And here’s our special offer for all Product Hunters. Over the next 14 days, you can purchase SE Ranking’s Optimum 250 subscription plan in the app and get a 25% discount. The discount will apply automatically. Also, until the 3rd of October, you can get 25% off one of the advanced subscription plans on our website. To redeem your discount, use the PRODUCTHUNT25 promo code at checkout. Waiting for your feedback and questions. We’ll be here all day long to chat with you.
Maria Kazakova
What other features/tools would you like us to include in the SE Ranking mobile app?
dc scooter
@maria_kazakova1 when your new and just getting into web development, SEO, CMS etc. the on page seo checker is great. I’ve done a lot of trials like semrush, seoibility, reportharder, Authority labs, and prob a few more. I came right back to SE ranking. Best all in one service and having a quality seo app in the market now says a lot about this company’s future.
Александр Христофоров
Хызы чё это, но проголосовал))
Whillis Broudi
What did you say? I cant understand, but you god damn right!
Daniil Kopilevych
Love it! I've been using the web platform for over a year. Great to see that it's now possible to easily track SEO results on mobile
Bogdan Babyak
Thanks a lot for your support!
Alex Moorhouse
I use SE Ranking to track my keywords. Recently they have been adding additional features for no extra charge that a few other providers are charging for. eg. SEO advice. The addition of a mobile app that combines all this, is another step up for them. Its obvious these guys care and are constantly making updates. Cheers
Bogdan Babyak
@alex_moorhouse You’re awesome! We appreciate your feedback:)
Anastasiia Nazarenko
Wow! That is cool app
Looks promising. Good luck guys
Bogdan Babyak
@anand_sriniv Thanks a lot. We really appreciate your support!
Lawrence Ladomery
Been a user 2 years now and love the platform. For the price... you can't beat it, and they're improving it fast.
Bogdan Babyak
@automatico Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Aleksandr Bakhur
This great 👏
Maria Kazakova
@aleksandr_bakhur Thank you, Aleksandr!
Pavlo Pavlenko
We’ve been using SE Ranking for almost 3 years and it’s absolutely gorgeous software. As an owner I really missed the mobile app so that I could have quick access to reports and add some keywords quickly when necessary and on the go. Today you made my day, guys. Love ya. Obviously 5/5 here.
Михаил Микута
Я начинающий SEOшник, так, для себя, но даже мне ясно, что этот продукт - Бомба! Даже для отслеживания конкурентов годен. Благодарю за это!
Maria Kazakova
@new_user_270f344088 Спасибо большое за отзыв! Вы помогаете нам развиваться :)
Ann  Lebedeva
@new_user_270f344088 Михаил, благодарим за обратную связь, мы стараемся, чтобы наш продукт был удобен в использовании для всех.
tagir saydkhuzhin
согласен - это бомба. Наверное стоит подписаться на платную версию и попробовать продвижение листингов. Пока я использую moz для агрегаторов и yext для всего прочего. Надеюсь что эта услуга на таком же высочайшем уровне что и скан
PM of Australia News
SE Ranking has been a solid investment for us. I love the desktop version. Mobile app is cream. Keep up the great work team.
Maria Kazakova
@australiapm Your support matters a lot for us, thanks!
Konstantine Kakabadze
Really useful. Recommended!
Maria Kazakova
@pablodiscobar Thanks for your recommendation!
Yuliya Karnaukh
SE Ranking is easy to use, provides accurate data and helps businesses achieve their goals. Love it!
Evgeny Svirin
Great 👍🏻
Ксюшка Данилова
Very cool service and work assistant. Intuitive interface, responsive support service, simple system.
Maria Kazakova
@ksenia_seo We really appreciate your feedback!
Anton Palekhin
Really cool app. Ty guys
Maria Kazakova
@atoha Thanks a lot!
Igor Golosuy
Good product