Tailor your subscriptions around what you want to watch
Matteo Comisso
Seasons™ — Tailor your subscriptions around what you want to watch
Subscriptions are getting out of hands: increasing prices, fragmentation, continues changes in the catalogues of all these providers. Seasons™ is the answer! Tailor your subscriptions around what you actually want to watch, and optimising the cost of them.
Matteo Comisso
Hi Product hunt! This is Matteo, one of the makers behind Seasons. We noticed this trend of people turning on/off subscriptions to save money, and started using it ourselves. We tend to watch a seasons/show for a fairly long duration, ignoring all other streaming subscriptions.. so why pay for them? This is exactly where Seasons come in! Just focus on the shows and movies you want to watch, and Seasons will plan them out for you.
congrats on the launch. seasons seems like a great way to manage streaming costs effectively. how does the app ensure that users are getting the most value based on their viewing habits?
Matteo Comisso
@mashy Thank you Albert! We have built our own algorithms that plan the subscriptions for the user. There are a few "strategies" that can be selected, which will have different outcomes in terms of suggestions.