Niv Dror

Option Exercise Tax Calculator - See what your options are worth & how much tax you will pay


Our product helps you better understand what the real value of your startup option package is. We calculate your tax bills for you and show you how you can make the most of your startup equity. Interested to get your feedback!

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Wouter Witvoet
Hi PH! So I (sort of selfishly) created this product because I lost my options after not meeting the deadline to fund the of taxes after I left the company for which I worked. I never really understood those taxes so I hope that by providing better tools employees working for startups will have a better understanding of their equity and make better decisions than I did :-). We think it all begins with a lack of understanding how options work from a tax perspective. Although there are plenty of articles that describe roughly how options work, there is no single tool or wizard which personalizes the exercise of options. We decided we want to make simple and effective tools for everyone to use. Just input your details, play with some assumptions and make better decisions. For this first version of our product, we are looking for feedback to help us improve the overall user experience and help us identify things to add (or remove). We'd love to hear your comments and suggestions on what other products/tools we should build to help you make better decisions! Wouter Founder & CEO, Secfi
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@wouter_witvoet do you cover the early exercise case?
Wouter Witvoet
@chrismessina hi Chris. Thanks for your question. It depends a bit on the underlying company but we have for example helped people do an early exercise by financing the 83(b) election. Hope that answers your question!
Miro Lucassen

Looks like a very promising tool for the distribution of wealth


Real benefits for the rest of us


Not for those who never have options to exercise

Francis Shih
This is a game changer for startup employees
Niv Dror
Congrats @wouter_witvoet and @frederikmijnhardt on the launch! Very timely product with tax season coming. 😊
Frederik Mijnhardt
@wouter_witvoet @nivo0o0 Thanks Niv! Looking forward to getting feedback on what we are building
Arne H. Halleraker
Does it work with the new 2018 tax rules?
Wouter Witvoet
@arnehall yes we included those! Because the AMT threshold was raised employees can now exercise a lot more ISOs without paying any taxes. The tool takes that into account :-)
Arne H. Halleraker
@wouter_witvoet What about the Alternative Minimum Tax? Is it included?
emery wehitney
Looks interesting.
Frederik Mijnhardt
@emerywehitney Hey Emery, thanks! Looking forward to your thoughts on how it works. Always looking for ways to improve
Rob Petrozzo
@wouter_witvoet congrats on the launch! Having gone through this process a couple of times over the last few years its definitely good to see products that ease the liquidity process, especially the tax ramifications which are always opaque. Awesome tool, looking forward to seeing more!
Aik Deveneijns
These kind of solutions are dependent on which tax systems they are applicable in. Would be good to see that straight in the first summary.