Andrew Tye

Startup Failures - Share your failures and learn from mistakes


Startup success stories are hard to copy. Sometimes it's more effective to study what hasn't work so you can avoid the mistakes that others couldn't avoid.

💥 Don't let your startup blow up!

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Andrew Tye
I know there are other places to find startups that have failed in the we didn't add them to this list. The goal is for it to have more recent failures from more current makers. Hope this can help us learn from others!
@awt Looks like there are just two companies on the list so far - do you have plans to add more? Would also be nice if they were hyperlinked / included screenshots
Andrew Tye
@abadesi thanks for the suggestion for links/screenshots...that's a really good idea
Andrew Tye
@abadesi I saw another place with failures from years ago...I'm hoping that current makers will add some failures of their own to this list so we have more recent examples...but if the list doesn't grow very fast I'll definitely add some more!
Igityan Hayarpy
Nice solution to avoid failures
Andrew Tye
@igityan_hayarpy thanks! hopefully it's helpful to us
Max Bloom
I think you need a section where people can describe what the startup did otherwise it's just a bunch of names. It would also be cool to learn more about any traction they got, fundraising, etc...
Andrew Tye
@livecoinwatchmb thanks for the advice...I'll try to add some more detail to make it more useful
Rich Clominson
Hey @awt! I am Rich, maker of, where I weekly interview failed startup founders :) Great site! Feel free to add some of our startups on your list. Cheers!
Andrew Tye
@clominson that's awesome, I'll check out!
Andrew Tye
@clominson just looked at cool! have you thought of doing a podcast?
Zakaria Mahmud
We recently launched and failureline aims to provide a platform where users can document their failure and success stories in a timeline format. These timelined stories can be a private diary to the user or shared with the world so that people can learn from their failure or success. You are most welcome to share some stories there @Andrew :)