Dave Gerhardt

Seeking Wisdom - 12: Is Work Life Balance A Myth? - Lessons to help accelerate your learning.


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Dave Gerhardt
This week on Seeking Wisdom we talked about the myth of work/life balance, inspired by a blog post David wrote titled "How-to Be Happier: Avoid Work/Life Balance." The truth is that trying to find work/life balance just causes stress because it's IMPOSSIBLE. You won’t ever be in perfect balance and you’re going to drive yourself, and the people around you, nuts if you’re always trying to get there. But what you can do is prioritize things. For example: 1) family 2) you + your health 3) work. We dive into how to prioritize work/life and the amazing results of focusing on the big rocks.
Harry Stebbings
Absolutely loved this from @davegerhardt and @dcancel so many takeaways and time to listen again! This time with a pen and paper! Awesome work guys, am loving the show!