Dave Gerhardt

Seeking Wisdom: The New One Minute Manager - Lessons to help accelerate your learning.


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Dave Gerhardt
We talk about books all the time on Seeking Wisdom and thought we’d start reviewing some of our favorites right here on the podcast. Today, we’re talking about The New One Minute Manager, a great (and short) book on management from Kenneth Blanchard. Haven’t read the book yet? No worries. We've got you covered! Since we liked the book so much, we want to buy you a copy, too. All you have to do is take a screenshot on your phone of your podcast app listening to this episode of Seeking Wisdom and then tweet at us using @Drift. If you’re one of the first five people to do it, we’ll mail you a fresh copy of The One Minute Manager. And if you’ve read the book, tune in and then tweet at us - we want to hear your take on the book.