Pierre Boffet

Seeqle Starter - Recruitment AI for SMBs and one-off needs

Get 5x more qualified candidates with the first recruitment AI dedicated to SMEs and ad-hoc needs. Use AI to broadcast your job offer across the web (social networks, Google and its websites) and beyond the usual job boards in a few clicks.

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Pierre Boffet
Hey guys ! We're delighted to share with you our brand-new version of Seeqle, our AI-driven programmatic recruitment tool. This new, more streamlined, yet more affordable version makes our technology accessible to all types of businesses in need of one-off recruitment, without the need for a large budget and regular recruitment. How does it work ? Step 1: You choose your target profession from over 1,200 jobs available in all sectors and industries, Step 2: You choose from our recommended broadcast platforms depending on your target audience, Step 3: Receive your qualified applications in just a few days, and recruit! We hope you'll enjoy it! Don't hesitate to send us your feedback - we're always on the lookout for ways to improve!