Segway Drift W1 - The first self balancing e-skate
The new Segway Drift W1 uses Segway’s proven, stable self-balancing technology (built on more than 800 patents), giving it an unparalleled advantage in terms of technology.
The new Segway Drift W1 uses Segway’s proven, stable self-balancing technology (built on more than 800 patents), giving it an unparalleled advantage in terms of technology.
Product Hunt
Product Hunt
I'm keen to see anything happen which can make better use of existing transport corridors and allow each traveller to choose their own route, time of departure and destination. But it looks like Segway Drift W1 riders would need to share existing pedestrian corridors with unpredictable, fragile pedestrians who will resent anything travelling faster than a pedestrian sharing their space.
Pros:Self-balancing will help a wider range of people ride them, looks like you don't need special boots or shoes
Cons:Short wheel base will make it hard to keep self-balancing going on rough terrain, and will require a lot of power/short range compromise
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Really interested in seeing how they compare to rollerblades and roller skates.
Pros:Anything new is worth trying at least
Cons:It could merely draw interest and fade like a fad
I wanted to like these a lot, but they have major problems.
They're easy, once you learn how to use them. That's easier said than done.
People who have used a segway or ninebot mini scooter will prob have an easier-time with this, but it's def not pickup and go.
I've been on these at a park on a sunny day and fell 3 times after taking 15 mins to balance. USE PADS and HELMET
Kids should stay away, but if you can master these, they are liberating and the coolest mode of transport in tight spaces.
Pros:Super attention-grabbing
Made by Segway, so feels better than any ol' company
Fun....if you can stay up
Nimble and maneuverable in any space
Cons:Wear Pads
Don't go across wide cracks, even at speed
No App Support of any kind? Huh? Would love to turn down the sensitivity