Chris Messina

Cortana 2.0 - Your truly personal digital assistant

Top Hunter

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Here's what's new in Cortana 2.0: A fresh new look with an improved user experience: • Redesigned calling, texting, and reminders • More immersive full-page answers • Faster page transitions and improved app responsiveness
Kunal Bhatia
Seems very Google Now-ish with better integration to a PC. Wonder what Microsoft plans to do to differentiate this for the Android market especially. Would be cool if there are strong ties to products like
Allan Jiang
@kunalslab I think Cortana already has a card for such experience, i.e. it can show the meeting details, attendees, time, etc.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Not available in New Zealand. #Bollox
Cosmin Băluţă
@lyondhur same for Romania. WHY, MICROSOFT, WHY?!
I saw video presentation, and i came to the conclusion, you dont have budget for that
Sol Hedaya
Cortana is sneaking its way into my day to day usage... ... it combs through my emails and if I said something like "please let me know by the end of the week", it will surface that email for me to see if I want to act on it (to followup with that person). That feature on its own has made me use Cortana much more on my PC. The 2nd sneaky feature is the ability to add the little Cortana ring to your Android lockscreen. It's a bit buggy and slow, but the idea is solid: if Cortana is always there to reference, I'm more likely to use it and record relevant info there.