Old dog, new tricks? Hi All!
New to PH, but not to SaaS. Our last company surpassed $60m ARR, was purchased, took some time off, now back at it!
We are working on a new project, specifically for cross-functional software development teams and orgs. We are trying to take a fresh look at how we plan, build and run software.
Think of it as "if Jira were built in 2025 (instead of 2003)" -- but more than just Proj Mgmt. For those that are thinking, "uh, yeah what about Linear!" Linear is a cool product, but we have taken a very different approach.
We launch in 30 days or so - but actively looking for folks willing to take it for a spin. We could really use the help!! Eager to assist others where I can as well! - check out the mvp at www.atono.io
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks but I believe curiosity has no age limit.
Hey Framer
Hey Troy,
Love what you're building here. As someone who's worked with dev teams, this feels like a breath of fresh air. Can I share some quick thoughts on the visuals and copy though? Your product concept is solid, but the presentation could be improved (I know it's an MVP ;):
The architectural imagery creates a nice vibe, but there's a disconnect between those elements and your product screenshots - tightening this would feel more cohesive
Your headline clearly shows what you do, but misses that emotional punch that would make it stick in people's minds
The UI screenshots show functionality well but get a bit lost - giving them more prominence would better showcase your product
Consider guiding the eye more intentionally throughout the page - right now it's not immediately clear where to focus first, which dilutes the core message a little I feel
I've helped several SaaS startups transform their visuals right before launch and saw significant improvements in their conversion rates. More than happy to hop on a quick call to share some specific ideas for your landing page - I might be able to save you some headaches as you approach your launch date.