Kevin William David

SEMrush Content Marketplace - Get traffic-driving content in a few clicks

No time for writing? Try out SEMrush Content Marketplace: easy access, experienced copywriters, no burden of contracts, many extra features.

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Vladimir Kondratev
Hey everyone 👋 Vladimir Kondratev from SEMrush here. We couldn't be more excited to launch our new product today. Meet our Content Marketplace – a simple and efficient platform where you can order high-quality content. The idea was to help digital marketers to get rid of paperwork when ordering content, and ensure effective collaboration with the best authors we carefully choose for them. Сontent writing shouldn't be a burden – that's the simple message we'd like to deliver. So, finding a fast, reliable copywriter for a blog post is no longer a problem. We have developed Marketplace with a sincere desire to help you achieve the best business results, and you’re sure to love it! The key advantages: - Fast - At a bargain price - Freedom from contracts - Easy access - SEO-optimized content upon request The right content marketing is all the rage! Don’t hesitate to give it a try. Please share your feedback and ask questions. Enjoy! Thanks, Vladimir
Juan Sarmiento
@vladimir_kondratev SEMRush has become an standard for every good SEO research on my company, happy to see more solutions coming from you guys! Sending you love from Colombia.
Alina Petrova
@juanpablosarmi Thanks you so much for your kind feedback :)
Collin Farra
SEMrush has been an amazing resource for my personal learning, appreciate a lot all of your services!
Alina Petrova
@collin_farra Thanks for your comment Collin! We very much appreciate that :)
Michael Hutton
I have been using SEMrush Marketplace for many months now. Over the last 10 years, we have used many writers and although some have been good, they have either been unaffordable or they lack the skills of writing for the web which is something we need for our SEO services. But, I seriously cannot express how happy I have been since switching all our copywriting to SEMrush Marketplace. All articles are professionally written, optimised correctly and even include stock images, saving us a lot of time. This is the first content writing service whereby I have been able to just forward the produced article straight to my clients without having to revise them myself! Thanks guys, I look forward to using this service for years to come as our agency continues to grow.
Alina Petrova
@michaelhutton82 Hi Michael, thank you so much for your feedback! We are happy to hear that you fully enjoyed our services :) We'll continue to improve our product to make it even more useful!
Alex Buran
$70 is too much. I find freelancers willing to write 1000 word articles for $15!
Kevin Natanzon
@new_user_313302832d What about the quality? Let me know if you want to get us as a client and keep the difference!
Alex Buran
@kevinnatanzon The quality is also good. It's a numbers game. But if you weed through garbage and fire lots of lazy bums, you will find a couple of decent copywriters that are willing to work hard and do a good job for you. Business has to stay frugal and nimble. Spending $70 per 1000 word article is an insane expense.
Jon Norris
@kevinnatanzon @new_user_313302832d $70 for 1,000 words is already an incredibly low rate for anyone trying to make a living from writing. $15 is absolute poverty wages. Nobody should be willing to accept it, and businesses shouldn't try to buy services at such a low cost.
Matt Odom
We've ordered 5 times so far and are blown away by the quality - we are a small but growing business so outsourcing a portion of our copy writing was a bit of leap for us...SEMrush's content service has made executing our marketing strategy efficient, fun, and our customers LOVE the content!
Alina Petrova
@matt_odom Thank you so much for the kind words and positive feedback, Matt! We very much appreciate that :)
Harita Solanki
SEMrush marketplace has made my work easier and fun too! I have been using it for three months now and I must say, it has become my go-to option for sourcing articles. The module is user-friendly for both the sourcer and the writer. With clear instructions, you can expect a well constructed article within a few days of placing order. Did I also mention that you can expect the right value for your money spent on article creation?
Alina Petrova
@sohari3094 Hi Harita, thank you very much for taking the time to leave a review! We are really pleased you enjoyed your experience on Marketplace :)
Andy E
I've been using SEMrush marketplace to write the blogs for my company for a few months now and I'm loving it. I've had 19 1500+ word blogs written by their team and it's high quality, good reading and SEO-driven. Very much would recommend.
Alina Petrova
@andy_enright Thank you for taking the time to share your review. We are glad to hear that you love the quality of our product! We'll keep developing it and introducing new products and features on Marketplace to make it even better. Stay tuned ;)
Will Lang
I'm interested in this from the SEO angle for my clients, but I'm also curious about how one writes for this service.
Alina Petrova
@will_lang Hi Will, thanks for your comment! This is a group of partners, professional writers, manually selected from our users base.
Naiha Abid
SEMrush is my go-to marketing assistant for all things digital. Explored and used the Marketplace during its initial beta phase and I believe I'm hooked of sorts. What a lifesaver, efficient and well-researched SEO friendly content with the perfect tone!
Nice idea! What's the difference between your product and copywriting offers from Fiverr?
Alina Petrova
@aga_jaskiewicz Hi Angieszka, thanks for your comment! On SEMrush Marketplace, you don't need to search for a copywriter. Just indicate the topic and you’ll receive a title and meta-description for review within 2 working days. We offer quality content for a good price. We also have a transparent workflow and handy features that make the ordering process faster and easier.
Malerozni MLADJO
Is it possible to get content in other languages? For example German
Alina Petrova
@osoldatovic For the moment, we have only English-speaking writers, but content in other languages will be available very soon, maybe in a couple of weeks.
They have loads of features and each one of them is useful at different stages of marketing. Keyword magic tool is however i believe is very useful across all stages as it helped me grow traffic anywhere from 2 times to 10 times for my clients. I often wonder if i am too reliant on this tool - not a good thing :) . In a nutshell, the must have tool for everyone in digital marketing space.
Dmytro Lazarchuk
Great idea and wow-pricing. I hope that the quality of materials will be also on the highest level
Luis Losada Ferreira
Great product! I can see me using that in a very near future! Keep up the good work
Michael Strachan
Content marketplace is great for someone struggling to put out a lot of high quality content. I also love the SEMrush google doc add-on that coaches you in readability and SEO ranking as you write!
Amazing source to generate content ideas
When I see the below comments, I am surprised. For us, Marketplace has been hit and miss with more misses. We run two eCommerce stores, and I have some clients that I provide content and marketing packages. I'm a writer myself and sometimes end up with more work than I can get through. With the price of Marketplace, I'm comfortable outsourcing and doing the final polish. However, the articles almost always need revision. Usually, the articles are lacking structure, like a clear introduction, resolved paragraphs and a conclusion. For me, to polish them would take the same time as starting from scratch. Often, random "fluff" content and repetitive sentences and vocabulary are in there. I don't mind providing feedback; it's just that many of the articles are so bad I don't know where to start and end up leaving 500 words of feedback on a 1000 word article. Marketplace, you need to vet your writers better because many of these are NOT writing at a professional level.
Perry Toone (ptoone)
I have ordered a few times and the quality seems to be getting much worse. I cannot publish these articles any more. They need to be completely re-written. It's a shame as it is quite expensive and the quality of the material does not meet minimum quality standards.