
Send Overnight Mail - The fastest way to print and mail bulk documents

Send Overnight Mail is the fastest way to print and mail a letter online, period.

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Angelo Embuldeniya
Congrats @ay_o on this wonderful idea you've executed! Definitely your business makes revenue from day 1 with this business model.
@angeloe thanks! Hope you're right and it works!
Vard Mardoyan
Greg Hundermark
@ay_o Hi. Cool concept. As a user, the first thing I did was watch you video on Product Hunt, then went to your website & immediately clicked Pricing. Where do I input the number of recipients? How/where does that factor into the estimate? Thanks!
@ghundermark good feedback. Its an oversight that our pricing doesn't include bulk pricing with discounts. Will fix ASAP
Hasan Diwan
In addition to Google Drive, Dropbox and/or OneDrive would be cool to have as options.