Chris Messina

Recurring - Manage and optimize your SaaS expenses

Top Hunter

Keep track of the SaaS tools your company is using. Find tools you're no longer using, catch spikes in expenses, and identify duplicate functionality. All you have to do is forward your receipts (you can also connect Quickbooks).

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Hey Product Hunt 👋 This is Caya. Maybe you’ve seen one of my Youtube videos. I'm the CEO of Slidebean and one of the makers of Recurring. Thanks to @chrismessina for hunting Recurring We figured we should build Recurring because we ran into this problem ourselves, and we tried a few products and none of them seemed to target companies like ours. We spend about $40,000 in SaaS, and we like to think that we are efficient at keeping track, but even we found duplicate tools, abandoned/forgotten platforms, and duplicate functionality. About 30,000 people sign up for our fundraising tools every month (@Slidebean), so we figured it would make sense to add another platform to our toolkit. All you have to do to use Recurring is forward your receipts (or have your team forward theirs). You can do it manually, or automatically- and you can also connect Quickbooks as a data source. We’ll filter the noise and focus on the SaaS platforms. This release supports highlights on spend spikes, identifying duplicate functionality, multi-currency support, and team collaboration. Feedback is more than welcome and I can't wait to hear what you think.
@emeka_boris_ama Hey Emeka - we're currently not hiring but when we are we will post it on Slidebean's LinkedIn page. I'd recommend following the page so you can stay up to date on when we do post
Thanks @michael_sieb! Would love to know what you and your team think of the product
Ilyas Frenkel
@chrismessina @slidebean @caya I’ve been a friend and a fan of Slidebean for years! This is an another example of the Slidebean team understanding the market and bringing a product that truly helps startups succeed.
Michael Sieb
@caya looks really neat :) I could see recurring as a helpful tool! Right now we are lucky enough to use many of the subscriptions we build on for free via startup programs. But soon to handle all subscription could be a pain.
Vinicio Chanto
Hey Product Hunt - Vini here. 👋 I’m co-founder and CDO at Slidebean. We decided to build Recurring to help founders keep track and optimize their monthly SaaS spend. As our team grew in size, so did our monthly spend on tools that help us run our business. Things quickly got out of hand, and we didn’t know who was paying for what. We had duplicate expenses for the same tool from different managers, or we were paying for 2+ similar tools that did pretty much the same thing. We tried finding a solution to help us solve our problem, and when we didn’t find it, we set out to build it ourselves! Recurring automatically keeps track of all your SaaS expenses, and helps you visualize them by team and category. Most importantly, it provides smart recommendations on how to optimize your spend. Dozens of founders are already using Recurring to oversee their SaaS. Take it for a spin and let me know what you think of the user experience (because I’m the one who works on that) 😉 Oh and a big thanks to @chrismessina for hunting this product 👏
Benjamin Grandfond
@henri_de_bouteiller could be useful to have the invoices in only one place. Also it could help us to keep track of used SaaS tools for the GDPR compliance! Congrats on your launch ?makers
@benjamin_grandfond2 @etidar Glad you both love the look of Recurring. Big shoutout to @vinicio_chanto1, Co-Founder and CDO, who made it all look great 🔥 Let me know what you think of the product once you've gotten stuck into it.
Vinicio Chanto
@benjamin_grandfond2 @etidar thank you, guys! we went through several iterations on the UI until we had a proposal that felt clean and intuitive :D hopefully the UX will be so, too. Thanks for your support!
Elisa López
great and useful to have all the invoices in only one place! It looks great!
Thank you for your comment, @eli_lopez!
Páraic McLean
Fantastic product and love the video. Can't wait to see what people think of Recurring!
Gustavo Paniagua
It gives a lot of insightful data
Diana Bogantes
Great tool and super useful
Thank you for your comment, @diana_bogantes! Here's hoping many people think the same as you.
Ali Rashidy
Been using it for a while, and it's incredible. Right now, Recurring gives you a deep look at the past. I hope one day it will give you a look at the future as well. Meaning that you can also manually add your monthly/yearly subscriptions and get to know how much you expect to pay on any given month in the future based on that, being able to predict your future expenses is essential. Also, this got to be the best product overview video I've ever seen ❤️
@alirashidy thanks for being part of our (not so secret) beta testing phase! Future projections are not too far along in our roadmap :)
Kilian Poulin
Great video and congrats on the launch! Keeping track of all recurring subscriptions is really difficult for startups, this will help for sure :)
@kilianpoulintw thanks! That video was a bit of a directorial debut for me 😅
Niraj Mishra
A great product indeed. This definitely will solve an ignored but critical problem. Cheers!
@niraj_mishra Thats the plan! Let me know if you have any questions about Recurring
Alexandra Kazakova
Wow! This is super useful! Are you planning to add a tool to analyze the ROI of SaaS?
@alexandra_kazakova2 for now our focus is on use and expense optimization. Our plan is to report which/how many of your team members are actually using each of the platforms.
Sarthak Bansal
Really loved the product. But it missing some features like it does not track recurring expenses through App Store ( I paid for grammarly using App Store). I would love it if you mentioned all the companies that will track the expenses. It doesn’t track many expenses for many Indian SAAS companies. I will definitely upvote this product. Great for the first version of the product
Hey @sarthak_bansal. The receipts and invoices from the app store (or any company), if they are forwarded to Recurring, should be tracked but clearly there may be an issue here so I'll add it to our to-do list for the next update. Thanks for the feedback 🎉
Bernardo Montes de Oca
Congrats on the launch! Definitely a tool worth having to streamline and optimize resources!!
Emilio Brenes
Finally a product that will streamline the costs of operating a business. The UI looks amazing and feels really intuitive. Congrats for the launch!
Yelyzaveta Omelchuk
Cool video)) It looks great😁 I guess I need it
@yelyzaveta_omelchuk you know you do 😬
Bertha Kgokong
Now this is a tool that SaaS founder will not like, we want people to keep paying for 101 SaaS platforms .... well done, congratulations on the launch
@berthakgokong Every SaaS founder (including myself at @slidebean) uses other SaaS so its a double edged sword I guess ⚔️
David Marin
Looking good, great video, and the tool looks quite helpful. Will check it out - kudos!
@david_marin2 Hope you find it useful
Love the video!! Congrats on the launch :)
Thanks @erikeimterbaumer - it was a bit of a directorial debut for me but I think the video came out well. Let me know if you have any questions about Recurring 🚀
Alejandro Alfaro
I am the guy behind those numbers and can't love more this new tool from our company @Slidebean
@slidebean @alejandro_alfaro1 👏 No duplicate tool 👏
Hafiz Bhuyan
I'm a fan of Slidebean, their YouTube channel and can't wait to become a fan of Recurring!! Looks great and super excited to start using it!
@hafiz_bhuyan Can't wait to hear what you think of Recurring