I always hear about Kik being used by millions and millions of people.
I dont know any. (I have same situ with Telegram, I've only ever chatted with one person on there cc @chrismessina )
I get that businesses need to go where the audiences are but keen to find out who actually uses Kik? Is it loads of kids?
Yes Kik has captured the younger demographic well. On Sensay, younger users connect about a range of life advice from relationships to summer jobs to gaming and music. The depth of conversation in this bully-free, troll-free, one on one format is truly remarkable!
As a cross-platform bot network, Sensay connects users for advice across messengers. 50% of our Slack users are chatting with users outside Slack. So Sensay Kik users are also talking to Sensay users outside Kik, on Slack and SMS for mentorship. Micro-mentorship is a huge use case and it feels amazing to help someone :)
We use Sensay for professional mentorship often. We learned how to launch on Product Hunt on Sensay :)
@bentossell@chrismessina well, for product peeps into bots, I'd recommend jumping on Kik and building a bot. It's a pretty robust tool set with custom keyboards for guided conversation, media, custom stickers for fun, kik points for gamification & more :)
@bentossell@arieljalali@chrismessina None of us are actually the core demographic. Kik is extremely popular with teens, with 40% of U.S. teens on the app. Because of this, we built our features and experiences with this demographic in mind.
Hey ProductHunters,
Last month, I was excited to announce Sensay's Slack integration - but this month they've truly outdone themselves.
Slack was a really cool integration because it democratized the power of humans to the enterprise, in a community of Slackers expanded beyond 2M monthly active users.
Today, Sensay is launching their bot on Kik Messenger, one of the largest and most active messaging platforms in the world, grazing the 300M Monthly Active Users mark. At the same time, Sensay is marking its first birthday anniversary, having served over 40,000,000 messages across more than 1 million users in the last year.
The founders at Sensay prepared a Medium post to go into the Kik Messenger Bot release in further detail. It's a great read, especially because of Sensay's stance relative to the bot revolution we're experiencing. I'll reply to this comment with a link shortly.
Check out the infographic that was prepared to go over the birthday milestones Sensay achieved over the last year: https://medium.com/@sensay/happy...
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