Nick LeRoy

SEOForLunch Newsletter 2.0 - Never miss another Google algorithm update ever again

Hundreds of SEO related updates and articles are published each week. The #SEOForLunch is a once-a-week email curating only the best content. Cut out the clutter and get all critical updates sent directly to your inbox.

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Sean Markey
When I'm hungry for SEO, Nick serves up a satisfying dish. GET IT? Food metaphor. It matches the title of the newsletter. Do you get it?
Nick LeRoy
@seanmarkey It's an "all-you-can-eat" buffet of SEO news. Appreciate the love - everyone make sure to check out 'Rank Theory' too if you enjoy Sean's snarkiness :)
Geoff Kenyon
Nick's newsletter is helpful for staying current on updates and news in the industry. Appreciate the time he puts in to make SEO for Lunch a helpful and digestible (how about that pun?) catch up on the SEO world. Full of meat and substance, not fluff and garnish (did it again).
Nick LeRoy
@geoffkenyon Thanks Geoff. You and @seanmarkey should consider a side hustle as stand up comedians. :)
Mordy Oberstein
There's so much content around SEO being created that it's become impossible to sift through it all on a daily basis. The SEOForLunch newsletter makes this process so much easier as the content is curated for you!
Nick LeRoy
@mordy_oberstein1 Appreciate the support, Mordy. I'm looking to make the newsletter bigger and better in 2022!
Ken Savage
I look forward to these emails to keep me updated on all the nuanced updates that happen in the world of SEO. remember when everyone had a blog post and we all had to stay updated subscribing to hundreds of RSS feeds? No longer. Thx @nickleroy
Nick LeRoy
@kensavage Thanks for the love Ken. Appreciate you being a long-time subscriber and advocate!
Nick LeRoy
Product Hunters, you spoke and I listened! I’m stoked to announce the 2.0 launch of the popular (free) SEO newsletter #SEOForLunch. WHAT IS THE SEOForLunch Newsletter? The #SEOForLunch is a weekly newsletter that includes all the most critical SEO updates into a single email. No more sifting through the hundreds of articles written each week. Get the very best of what the industry offers you directly to your inbox. WHAT’S DIFFERENT IN V2.0? Great question. The most common request I received was to create a repository of all newsletter issues online. This is now available and you can view the past 15 issues AND every issue moving forward at Another issue addressed in V2.0 is mobile issues. With the migration to Substack, all newsletters are emailed in a mobile (and desktop) friendly version. No more errors on my end and a solid reading experience for subscribers. Finally, the #SEOForLunch is committed to being a free newsletter. Historically corners had to be cut to save on operating costs. No expense is being spared to ensure that all users receive the best SEO updates available. I’m fully committed to keeping the newsletter free. WHO Should Subscribe? The #SEOForLunch is loved by SEO practitioners in addition to CMOs, editorial teams, development teams, and c-suite employees looking to keep their internal/external SEO partners on their toes. If SEO is important to you and or your business then this newsletter is for you. #SEOForLunch Testimonials Don’t take my word for it, below are just a few well-known SEO industry names who enjoy receiving the #SEOForLunch newsletter each week. Cyrus Shepard ( “#SEOForLunch is a go-to SEO newsletter that makes me look smart. Each week it delivers valuable new content I didn’t know was there.” Marie Haynes ( “I really look forward to getting Nick’s newsletter each week. Not only does he give me important articles to read, but I like that he adds his thoughts on each SEO topic as well. It’s a quick read and informative.” Paul Shapiro ( “There are so few SEO newsletters I subscribe to and I’m very selective about them, but SEOForLunch is a no brainer.”
Syed Atif
looking forward to it
Nick LeRoy
@syed_atif Looking forward to having you at the lunch table!
Steven van Vessum
Great newsletter, highly recommend!
Nick LeRoy
@stevenvvessum Thanks for your continued support, Steven!
Joe Sinkwitz
I love Nick's newsletter -- look forward to it every Tuesday.
Nick LeRoy
@cygnusseo Thank you, Joe. Long time subscribers such as you are the reason I take the time each week to write this!
Nick Swan
Great newsletter. Look forward to getting it each week.
Nick LeRoy
@nickswan Thanks Nick! So glad you enjoy the newsletter. More good things to come!
Opadotun Taiwo Oluwaseun
Very cool tool. I am an seo specialist and it help my rple becomeeasier da by say.
Growth Salad
Samar Ali
Launching soon!
Nice product! It would help the SEO Specialist alot. For sure i would try it once too .
Franck Armand N'guessan
It is really important for keeping us posted each week with updated news. that's awesome
Jingxi L.
Loving the name of this product! Congrats on your launch :D
Sao The Thao
thank you for sharing this infor, this useful to me
Nextgen Steel & Alloys
Whoa that's great! thanks for sharing.
Uzair Ahmed
I love Nick articles and i'm an avid reader!
Tvrepair Chennai
nice article
Suganthan Mohanadasan
Great newsletter for SEO professionals. Highly recommended.
So nice tool! Congratulations on the launch! ^_^ It is awesome feature to stay updated without any additional research about algorithms - all needed knowledge at one place weekly! Bravo! *_*