Nik Graf

Serverless Framework v1.0 - Build auto-scaling, pay per execution apps on AWS Lambda

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Austen Collins
Hi everyone, I’m one of the authors of the Serverless Framework. Over a year ago, we believed AWS Lambda would empower developers seeking to build extremely low-cost and low-maintenance applications. So, we made the Serverless Framework, an application framework that allows you to build EVERYTHING on AWS Lambda. Like, entire web, mobile and IoT applications. The Framework quickly went viral on HackerNews several months ago and helped launch the currently popular “serverless architecture movement”. Today, after several months of testing, we are bringing the Serverless Framework out of beta. We’re excited to share this with you. Huge thanks to our tremendously talented open-source community. Ask us anything! We’re here to help everyone build awesome serverless apps :)
Nick den Engelsman
@austencollins Congratulations on the v1.0 milestone! Cheers to the whole team who made this possible.
Austen Collins
Cheers to you, @nickengelsman and all of your tremendous help :)
This basically looks to be to microservices what heroku was to monoliths. Good job! There's something I don't immediately get from video/homepage/getting started pages : how people are supposed to run their app locally before they deploy it on serverless, or while iterating on code? Thinking about heroku, the cost come in mind, too. Should we expect a "pay per function call" model be more costly, less costly or about the same than using a server? (I guess it's all about pricing adjustment, so you probably already have that figured out)
Austen Collins
@oelmekki > This basically looks to be to microservices what heroku was to monoliths. Good job! Exactly! The whole thing is powered by AWS Lambda too, so it’s really a 2x gain, since your functions have direct access to the AWS ecosystem of services. The AWS ecosystem is 50% of the value. > Should we expect a "pay per function call" model be more costly, less costly or about the same than using a server? It depends on your traffic patterns. If you have consistently processing massive workloads, Lambda functions can be more expensive than traditional solutions. However, if you have inconsistent workloads, Lambda functions can reduce your costs by up to 99%. Remember, there is no such thing as under-utilization with Lambda, since you never pay for idle. For the most part, our users fall into this category and regularly see huge decreases in cost. Here's an example - After the recent Australian Online Census Survey site crashed, which cost $9m for the gov to build, a couple of students used the Serverless Framework to recreate an exact replica of the site. Then they load tested it against the same amount of traffic the original site received (~10m). It scaled perfectly and the total cost was $200. Also, we regularly hear about people replacing their $30/month Heroku apps with Lambda functions, and bringing the costs down to less than $1.
Akshay Katyal
Love the concept! My question comes to pricing. Do you plan to go for a dashboard-centric pricing? I cannot imagine it being on the basis of function calls because that will just jack up costs for the users. I would very much be in for a service based model, where you guys provide traffic data and alerts for function calls. Something like New Relic for Serverless apps? You guys could also go for a docker type registry model, wherein people just build a bunch of functions and share/sell to the community.
Austen Collins
@mrdhat Awesome suggestions. Thank you :) In the future, we could do those things you describe and we are definitely considering them. Overall, there are a lot of great themes in the Serverless Framework, which we’re thinking further about and planning to introduce new tools around. For example, the whole event-driven computing paradigm is pretty powerful/disruptive. At the moment, we’re simply focused on providing the best developer experience for building serverless architectures, and educating the world on the benefits. But look out soon for some interesting announcements...
Akshay Katyal
@austencollins What you are doing currently looks pretty awesome from the video and docs. If you have a beta ready, I would love to try it out for one of my weekend projects and maybe move a part of our production infrastructure to a serverless architecture.
Austen Collins
@mrdhat We've been in Beta for the last several months and this post was about us coming out of beta :) Everything is very stable, as we are simply an abstraction layer on top of AWS CloudFormation, which we lean on to perform safe, stable deployments. Definitely give it a shot. A lot of enterprise users have already put the Framework into production and it has become a big initiative within their organizations: “The Serverless Framework is a core component of The Coca-Cola Company's initiative to reduce IT operational costs and deploy services faster.” - Coca-Cola Go make something great :)
Mahieddine Cherif
Good job !
Trevor Marshall
I've been using Serverless for the last six months and it's been amazing to see the evolution in the product. When I started playing around with it, there were collections of folders and subfolders with endless configuration files you had to navigate, but now, you can build an entire api in two concise files, it's amazing. If you've been waiting to play with Lambda and API Gateway, now is the time to jump in. Congrats to the Serverless team on the big v1!
Austen Collins
@trevorkmarshall Yes!!! Thanks for using it and for the awesome comments. See you around the community. You rock :)
Michael Wills
@trevorkmarshall I tried towards the beginning and there was such an overhead. The momentum was (and is) fantastic but it was just too much to try to work things out _and_ grok the framework along with everything else going on. Looks like it's at least a good time to give it another spin. :)
Trevor Marshall
@my_chiguai I had a project and I was building with v0.6 and once they released rc1 two weeks ago, I migrated the whole thing to the new version. It's a big reduction in grok requirement although I am looking forward to more polished documentation
Mohammed Erraysy
I'll definitely try this out, thanks guys.
Philipp Müns
@merraysy Great! Please let us know what you think.
When can we expect the Serverless Platform to be ready?
Florian Motlik
@jaminjay333 Can't give a specific date yet, but we're working hard on it. If you sign up for it on the website you'll get more info as soo as we're ready to release something.
Brandy Morgan
YES! I am currently using Serverless on a high traffic application, and it is AWESOME. Great work you guys. The setup to development time is quite quick. I plan on using this framework on personal projects as well. Got a few people in my office onboard and excited about this framework. Keep it up and keep writing the docs. Serverless 0.3.0 has great documentation.
Florian Motlik
@msbrandymorgan Thanks for the Shoutout!
Cem Kozinoglu
Yesssssss!!!! Awesome work guys. Can't wait to try this out.
"Serverless computing is to infrastructure what Visual Basic has been to data." Beautiful. @davidwells @mthenw @nikgraf @alaskacasey @eslam_a_hefnawy @pmmuens @flomotlik @austencollins
Gabe Kangas
I'm going to finally give this a shot. I went from multiple EC2 instances running my nodejs service to Heroku with a couple dynos, and continuing to look for ways to cut costs and overhead. Moving it to Lambda has been on my wishlist, but just seemed like too much work to get working correctly. Maybe Serverless is the solution!
Philipp Müns
@gabek Great! We wrote a Quickstart guide which should help you get things up and running real quick: Furthermore you might want to take a look at the "Serverless Book" where you'll build a CRUD app: Let us know if you have any questions / need help! We're happy to help you.
Djd Dhsh
I've am also using Serverless and it's amazing to see the evolution in the product. When I started playing around with it, there were collections of folders and subfolders with endless configuration files you had to navigate,. It make easy. https://www.outlooktechnicalsupp...
Silvia Bormüller
I have been using serverless for the last months and totally love it. There is so much time you can save by building and deploying functions via the terminal. No more messy aws dashboards. Keep up the great work.
Austen Collins
Awesome press has come out today regarding the Framework: - -