Shake is the fastest, easiest way to measure customer experience for any company using online reviews, whether it's a company with 1 to 50k+ locations, software businesses, e-commerce players and more.
@philip_kallberg Interesting! Having this kind of technology available makes it easier than ever before for businesses to understand how they're performing with customers and what they can do better in the future.
Hey Hunters! 👋 We all know how important online reviews are - I've personally had a front row seat in the industry from running both Reviewshake and Datashake for the past 4+ years.
Online reviews are used to inform decisions by everyone from consumers to businesses like asset managers and consultancies to risk and reputation management firms. The challenge is that reviews are spread across the web - McDonald's for example has thousands of locations and over 100k+ review profiles across a whole host of different review sites, and analyzing this data has been incredibly difficult in the past.
Shake fixes this problem by exposing data powered entirely by our technology in a visual interface, allowing anyone to get a singular view for customer experience. This works whether it's a company with 1 to 50k+ locations, software businesses, e-commerce players and more. Not only can you analyze a single company in this interface, you can compare up to 3 companies side by side.
🤩 Here are some sample profiles to see just how powerful this is:
1. McDonald's vs Burger King vs Five Guys:
2. Twilio vs MessageBird:
3. ReviewTrackers vs Birdeye vs Podium:
We're just getting started here! Are you looking to use online reviews in your business? Get in touch!
@felix_braberg1 Hi Felix, I'm one of our creators.
Our dataset is comprised of the following components:
- each physical location (for a location-based business) or product (for a software business)
- for each location or product, we have the review profiles on Google, Facebook, Yelp, Foursquare, etc
- for each review profile we extract the inidividual reviews
Based on this data, we can provide review data for a company or set of companies at country level, state level, down to cities or individual zip codes. We can also filter by review sites (e.g. only Google reviews, or Facebook reviews). is built on our Review Index API, so its homepage ( and API docs ( gives a good idea of what data you can obtain. We will continue to add more insights based on the reviews, like topic extraction and sentiment analysis.
Interesting stuff. But I wonder how it will handle companies that have multiple products?
For example, we have multiple products and each of them have their very own review pages and reputation on the web.
So, as I see here in the comparisons, it wouldn't make sense to compare Buffer to Squirrly itself.
More likely: compare Buffer to Squirrly Social, but it might be hard in the UX to help a user choose exactly the social media app from Squirrly, instead of choosing the whole company.
Any ideas on how this will work?
@florin_muresan thanks for checking us out! this is a great question and is one of the challenges with what we do.
we've automated the entire process of going from a company -> their reviews, using ML clustering and other techniques in the background. here is what the comparison between squirrly and buffer looks like at the moment:
we'll soon add better filtering to allow for some more advanced behaviours, let us know if you have any thoughts on how we could make this most useful for you!
@philip_kallberg thank you, Philip.
I've been interested in this tool for a while now. Horatiu told me you were all doing something in this space and I'm very curious how it will shape up.
Thanks for the link. I see it didn't pick up the reviews from Capterra, AppSumo, Product Hunt and WordPress directory.
And yes, at the moment it picked up the Squirrly SEO profiles, instead of doing Squirrly Social versus Buffer.
It will be great to follow how this evolves.
Reviewshake is a comprehensive online review management platform that covers every step of the customer feedback cycle. It enables users to generate, track, market and analyze online reviews, helping businesses to improve customer service and maximize the impact of customer reviews on their online reputation.
For almost 4 years while using it, Reviewshake has helped us and our clients to increase customer engagement, boost trust, and drive more traffic and sales through the power of positive customer reviews.
Reviewshake also provides advanced analytics and insights that allow users to identify customer sentiment, track customer feedback over time, and gain insights into what customers like and don’t like about their products and services.
We are so eager to find out what amazing things Shake has in store for the world of online reviews! We can't contain our excitement for this upcoming launch.
The team did an amazing job 4 years ago when they launched Reviewshake, so it is only logical to expect the same or better this time around. All the best.
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