Hiten Shah

ShapeScale - A scale that digitizes your body in photorealistic 3D! 💪

ShapeScale is a 3D personal body scanner, scale and fitness tracker that digitizes your body in photorealistic 3D. Its companion app then shows you where exactly you have been gaining muscle and losing fat by color-grading your 3D avatar.

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Martin Kessler
Hey! Excited to be on Product Hunt today! 😀 We've spent over two years working on the best device to keep track your physical fitness and appearance. ShapeScale naturally complements existing fitness trackers and health apps that already keep track of your activities and diet. ShapeScale was born out of our own frustration that to-date there is simply no good way of keeping track of whether one’s daily diet and exercises are actually delivering the results we have been hoping for. There’s nothing more frustrating than not knowing whether your hard work is actually paying off! For us fitness is the natural first application that works without scale (no pun intended!), but beyond fitness and health we see many other great applications such as virtual fitting rooms, tailor-made clothing, virtual reality avatars and even things such as custom-made furniture and wearables (tailor-made to your individual shape!). We have a special deal for all product hunters, simply use promo code: PRODUCTHUNT ✌
Martin Kessler
@pakhzar haha good one. We'll definitely go with something robust like a good mailer package, but yes we'll have to put some good thinking into the packaging later this year.
Hiten Shah
ShapeScale is the first personal 3D body scanner. You step on it and get scanned in less than a minute. It is a new kind of health device. ShapeScale has a clever heat map feature that color-grades your body image so that you can visually track changes that are so small that your eyes can't see them. This is great for anyone who is looking to get in better shape and struggles to keep track of their fitness and diet progress. Regular scales fluctuate too much in weight and are known to be inaccurate when it comes to body fat. Beyond fitness, there will be a range of other possible applications for technology like this, so I'm intrigued to see where it goes in the future.
Matt Galligan
@hnshah Just a heads up, the Naked scanner debuted a year ago (also pre-order) https://naked.fit/
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@mg that was my thought! #firstNotFirst
Tom Bielecki
@mg @hnshah Has it shipped?
Dre Durr💡
This is incredible. I can't wait to try it. I'm really interested in how the algorithm works to calculate the fat loss from certain areas. From my experience with tons of other products that to calculate fat loss. They are typically off by 2-6% compared to using calipers. Dope🚬🚬
Alexandre Wayenberg
@dredurr Hi there are several scientific research papers that compares DXA scans and localized volumetric measurements taken through 3D surface scans. "Clinical anthropometrics and body composition from 3D whole-body surface scans" - BK NG, BJ Hinton, B Fran, AM Kanaya, JA Sheperd - European of Clinical Nutrition - https://www.nature.com/ejcn/jour... "Predictive equations for central obesity via anthropometrics, stereovision imaging, and MRI in adults" - Jane J Lee, Jeanne H Freeland-Graves, M Reese Pepper, Ming Yao, and Bugao Xu The - University of Texas at Austin (JJL, JFG, BX, MY, BX), Department of Nutritional Sciences (JJL, JFG), School of Human Ecology (MY, BX); MedStar Georgetown University Hospital (MRP) - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub... "Validation of a 3-dimensional photonic scanner for the measurement of body volumes, dimensions, and percentage body fat" - Jack Wang, Dympna Gallagher, John C Thornton, Wen Yu, Mary Horlick, and F Xavier Pi-Sunyer - American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc...
Ricky Yean
Woohoo! TechHive has the best video so far: http://www.techhive.com/article/...
Nick Zieber
Super proud of you guys Martin and Alexandre - going from Hong Kong to YC to bringing Shape Scale to market. I'll definitely be buying one.
Martin Kessler
@nzieber Thanks, Nick! It's been a long journey. Hope to pay Hong Kong a visit soon enough again! 🙂
Jitesh Chhabria
Huge congrats guys! 😎This is amazing!
Martin Kessler
Thank you for the kind words, @chhabria_jitesh!
Alexandre Wayenberg
@chhabria_jitesh :D I sense an insider joke there
Erick Barron
Looks really cool - reasonably​ priced compared to naked fit. I just don't see the need for yet another cloud subscription. We should be able to save our progress in our Dropbox.
Alexandre Wayenberg
@erickbarron86 That's where we are going but for the first couple of years we decided to adopt a subscription model in order to lower the upfront cost for the user. Having a subscription not only allow us to make it more affordable but it allows us to dedicate a lot of resources into continuously improving the software and user experience.
Tristan Tao
Prototype was already awesome, can't wait to see what the production version is like!
Martin Kessler
@tao_tristan Thanks! Can't wait to start shipping! 🙂
Shahar Yakir
I think this is the most incredible PH listing I have seen to date. Way to go!
Brian Liou
I'll admit that my initial reaction to Shapescale was that it seemed a bit superfluous, but seeing the full product now it reminds me of the management philosophy "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it". Very cool guys.
Alexandre Wayenberg
@brian_liou Yes exactly, today there is hardly a good measure of progress apart from DXA scans and medical grade 4 points bioimpedance. It's unlikely that you are able to use one of those in the comfort of your home.
Dan Rosenshain
Looks very cool. How many data points does an average model consists of?
Alexandre Wayenberg
@danr_4 The raw meshed data has now more than one million vertex per scans but here are actually more points captured because of sampling. If you count in term of amount of data points from the sensors there are approximatively 30 fps * 1280 pixels * 720 pixels * 45 s = 1.2B data points. That's only on the 3D scan data. We are though simplifying the models to make them more portable while keeping them accurate.
Rodrigo Hillion
future here we are!!
Martin Kessler
@rohillion Well said! Scales and mirrors have been around for ages and very little has changed. Even still very common health measures such as the BMI are completely outdated these days.
Shauli Daon
finally someone did this!
Martin Kessler
@shauli_daon Thanks! It's taken us a lot of work and effort to get there!
Alexis Houssou
Amazing product idea! Looking fwd to getting mine
Martin Kessler
@alexis_houssou Thanks! The Hardware Club has been a great source of support for our team, glad to be part of it. 👍
Eric Glyman
Super cool, will make going to the gym great (and so much more data driven)! Why break out the split on hardware/software subscription costs? Is this a common approach on the health industry?
Dan Lucas
@eglyman - Similar thoughts here. Interesting product, but does the world need a scale that requires a $10+ monthly subscription?
Martin Kessler
@eglyman Hey Eric, we have been contemplating long and hard about this and we have actually tried both during a private roll out with our subscriber list. Subscriptions turned out to work better for most by dramatically lowering our customers' upfront costs by over $200. Besides that there's of course more to it, the cloud processing of high res and photorealistic 3D scans take up a lot of space and bandwidth that need to be paid for. After the first year users will be able to downgrade to a free plan that will allow them to scan and keep one scan stored for general measures and other non-health apps such as virtual fitting rooms, tailor-made clothes and more.
Victor Pinho
I know this isn't rocket science but I didn't expect to see something like this before 2020
Alexandre Wayenberg
@vict_r Thanks Victor, really makes us happy to hear that we are bringing the future to you.
Natasha Baker
This is one of the best ideas I've seen in a long time. So many people get demoralized when starting a new workout routine because they don't see results on their standard scales, which only measure one number. With Shapescale, they'd actually be able to see lean muscle mass growing, fat dropping, and would be motivated to keep going. Can't wait to give it a try!
Robyn Exton
This is AWESOME. Do you guys have plans for nutrition input in the software as well?
Alexandre Wayenberg
@robynexton Hi Robyn, yes it's the natural next step. But we need to focus first on offering our user the user experience for tracking their progress.
Mike Coutermarsh
Love seeing innovation in this space. I currently get dexa scans every 2-3 months. How similar are your results? Have you been comparing to DXA?
Martin Kessler
@mscccc Hey Mike so ShapeScale is closer to hydrostatic weighing. We take your body measures with highest accuracy and calculate your body volume to get your body fat and lean mass. ShapeScale comes in pretty close but won't be quite as accurate and we won't be able to measure your visceral body fat since we are only measuring what's outside. Having said that, a DXA can't give you your girth and visual feedback. Plus like you said you cannot do them every day within your own four walls!