Nathan Baschez

How Concrete Became a Thing - An illustrated history - from Hardbound


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Just read it: as always with hardbound stories, it's short & clear. When you finish the story, you're like: hell yeah I just learnt something interesting 🚀 🎉
Nathan Baschez
@troblous thank you!! Glad you liked it :)
Sarthak Grover
This was a fun read! I think I did learn a few new things.
Nathan Baschez
@sarthakgrover glad to hear!
Shlok Vaidya
Interesting how linear their method of telling a story is. I feel one of the better features of a real book in hand is it's non-linearity - skip ahead, skip back, etc. In being non-sequential, it empowers the reader. With this format, I felt curious, but also trapped.
Nathan Baschez
@shloky agree - you're definitely more "on the rails" in a Hardbound story than you are with a paper book. It's honestly much closer to video. There are pros and cons, for sure.
Ian Poston
I really like this one. Bang! And then there was Trilobite Concrete.
Nathan Baschez
@ianposton haha thank you!