Visual Shazam - Shazam objects: Media, posters, ads, merch & more


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Hi All, Ed Aten founder of Merchbar here. We've partnered with Shazam, Nick Jonas and Meghan Trainor to help launch Visual Shazam. We're excited to not only give people a new and easier way to locate our store to buy the merch they want, but also Shazam enable merchandise to give fans an added incentive that doesn't require hand-keying in pin codes or other horrific DRM. Happy to answer whatever questions I can or you can learn more about our thoughts at https://www.merchbar.com/blog Ed
𝔏aurent 𝔇el ℜey
@aten Is it the right URL? The current one just goes to the Shazam homepage and sounds like there's nothing like a "Visual Shazam" on it :)
@ldesserrey Updated!
Milan vd Bovenkamp â™ 
No... way... This looks like an april fools joke!
Jason Shah
Long time coming indeed. Interesting that Shazam accomplished this via partnership (was waiting for it. figured it'd otherwise be build/buy). Wonder if this (visual) will be a bigger use case than classic Shazam (audio)? Would be huge in VR context ;)
This seems pretty amazing. Agree with @milann this looks more like an April fools joke! haha @aten - can you dive into how this technology works? I know very little about this space and am amazed you can take a photo of something and analyze the pixels to recognize what the F you're looking at... Do you start by loading an image from every perspective so when someone points their camera at it your system can recognize it and match it up to something? And when a user is looking at something in a magazine or billboard, are you sending like 1 frame/sec to your server to try and match it against something you have? Is there a big/small tolerance of a match not being exact?
@kristofertm The technology is provided via partnership with Digimark. -> http://www.digimarc.com/
Jason Shah
Long time coming indeed. Interesting that Shazam accomplished this via partnership (was waiting for it. figured it'd otherwise be build/buy). Wonder if this (visual) will be a bigger use case than classic Shazam (audio)? Would be huge in VR context ;)
Saijo George
tried it on Android and it did not work. Also how is this better than QR code ?
@saijo_george What did you try exactly?
Saijo George
@aten tried scanning the pdfs on your site with the android shazam app, but it did not detect anything.