Elif Ozgecan Hız

Airport Vibes - A source to rate & find 🔍the best airports to travel from 🛫

As digital nomads, we travel a lot & we spend a great amount of time @ airports around the world. We know many of you do too — for business or leisure, doesn’t matter. We’re at the airports eating🍔, sleeping😴, reading📖, working👩🏻‍💻, shopping🛍 — doing everything we do in cities. This is why we need a source for airport information & ratings.

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Asher Harris
This looks like a cool idea. The link provided doesn't work though :(
Elif Ozgecan Hız
@asher_harris the original link stopped working bc of http:// issue. 😕 I added a second link - can u try that one please? And thanks for your comment! I’m glad you found it interesting! 🙌🏻
Asher Harris
@eozgecelik It works now 😁 I like the look of the site. I think it could be even better if it was ranked in a vertical list from best to worst? Also, do you plan to allow comments? Would be useful to get specific feedback when you hover over a thumbnail before you click through to the airport website.
Elif Ozgecan Hız
@asher_harris Yes, definitely. The plan is to allow comments, checking in, networking with other travellers, announcements & benefits from airports and many more features. Right now we want to get rating data into the system and basically learn if we should continue building the project.
I'm curious about your personal fave airports across Europe 👀🛩?@barishiz @eozgecelik
Barış Hız
@eozgecelik @abadesi thanks for your message. Actually mine is Amsterdam Schipol airport :) Do you have any favorite?
Elif Ozgecan Hız
Airport Vibes is aimed to be a source created by travelers, for travelers. Currently it is in MVP stage with minimum information. We plan to grow it into an ultimate source for you to find the most needed information about any airport in the world, and rate your experience traveling from this destination. Right now, we created a list of world’s top 100 airports and there’s a tiny survey that takes 10 secs to complete (maybe even less) where you can rate your experience at these airports. Please help us out in growing this source: vote and rate the airports you’ve been to and share with your friends and network. 📧 We’re also putting a prize to grow this project — here are the conditions: Conditions to win the prize: 1. SHARE with your friends & network and tell them to enter your name in the last field. 👫 2. The name who has the most referral entries WINS.🎉 3. Timeframe: End of April 2018. ⏳
Alp Ertuğrul Çelik

This is a great idea and I think it could be made even better.


Makes it very easy to look up an airport before going there. This way I can make sure that the airport is pleasant before going on a trip.


Needs more contributors.

This idea has potential but it needs a liberal smattering of special sauce
Elif Ozgecan Hız
@sassyfacts_1 yes, agreed! 👍🏻 we wanted to put it out there as we see that potential but needed to observe how people react to it. 💥
@eozgecelik how are you planning to monetise this? I have a few ideas. Actually, my app could probably tie into this