Lam Nhan

Sheetbase - Free, fast and fun way to build modern websites and apps 🛠️


Sheetbase is a collection of tools that helps developing websites/apps fast, easy and free. By using modern technology at the front-end (top JS frameworks) and using free Google services for back-end logics (database, mailing, file, ...). Sheetbase is suitable for the most of small to medium projects.

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Lam Nhan
Hello, This is my very first product on PH. Hope you all enjoy! Sheetbase is a collection of tools that helps developing websites and hybrid apps fast, easy and free. You don't need to purchase and set up a complicated hosting/VPS/server to run a beautiful websites (a static web hosting is enough, Github pages does the trick), just got a domain name and you good to go. You may already familiar with Wordpress or Jekyll, imagine that they have a baby, that is what Sheetbase comes between. Sheetbase contains some tools: 1. Sheetbase: website/app skeletons or ready to use themes using top JS technologies. We currently supports Angular/Ionic framework. You are free to contribute in any frameworks you prefer. 2. Sheetbase Backend: free, serverless back-end for websites and apps. Using Google Apps Script Web App to deploy the back-end, the router system is inspired by ExpressJS, so feeling home, right! :D 3. Sheetbase Add-on: a Google Spreadsheet add-on, some tools help working with spreadsheet as SQL database. 4. Sheetbase CLI: a command line interface tool to support working with Sheetbase projects: create, config, help, .... Sheetbase is currently infant. There is a lot development ahead, bug fixes, features added, ... we think of many exciting things for future releases. But you may try it now, you may love it! We develop Sheetbase without any funding, so donation and buying license is absolutely appreciated. Pricing: Patreon: Thank you very much! <3
@lamnhan Reminds me of by @andreyazimov Have you seen this tool before, was it your inspiration?
Lam Nhan
@andreyazimov @serglotz Hello mate, I have seen Sheet2Site before, it's great :). But, Sheetbase focus on developers who wants totally control over the project. You can build almost every type of websites and apps with Sheetbase, or just want to setup a back-end without purchasing a server. I started this from making a Spreadsheet add-on which is allowed me to edit JSON right from the Google Spreadsheet UI. Then, I realize that we can harvest the power of free Google G Suite products for more use cases. That where Sheetbase was born! :D I believe Sheetbase is unique among other products (Sheetsu, Sheet2Site, ...). You may read some more at
Shreyaa Ratra
@lamnhan Congratulations for the launch Lam. Just a quick thought if you are planning to do sales : Reach out to companies who are hiring for developers because these are the companies who would be interested in using your product.
Lam Nhan
@shreyaa_ratra Hello there, thank you for your advice. At first, we would like to contribute something to the community. We have plan to make the product stable, covers essential ground, then if there is luck, we will monetize the product. But we always need supports from the community, so donation or funding is extremely great, it helps us on continue develop what we planned! Again, thanks a lot! <3

I need more time for testing. Thanks, bro, for app!


So fast


Don't like the refreshing new tabs

Lam Nhan
Thank you for your review! It's young, we will continue develop it, so hopefully it will fit everyone needed someday! :D
Lam Nhan
@sbushtruk Hello, I see that it works just fine. Can you tell me more what problem you are facing? As I mentioned, it's still young, so there may be bugs, you can see what we introduce as a proof of concept. We hope it makes a stable release soon. Thank you!
Lam Nhan
@sbushtruk Great, hope you enjoy! :)
Julian Gutierrez
Cool stuff! just one question: If my app had user database could we still use google spreadsheet for it? I mean technically my list of users would be public unless we give permission to just some google doc user to read/write? Also the passwords would still be saved encrypted in the google spredsheet?
Lam Nhan
@jugutier Hello there, thank you for your interest. Sheetbase app can be configured in 2 ways, for the 'data only' solution, we need to set the sharing option of the spreadsheet (database) to public. This option is fast and may be easier than the 'using a back-end' solution. Second way to config the app is to use a backend, this is for using more features other than just data, so you can put your spreadsheet in private mode or share with some special people, not public anymore. All sheet (table) started with the '_' in the name (_users) will not be able to query through '/data' endpoint. The same ideal apply for other scenarios. All sample spreadsheets are public for demonstration purpose, but you may keep your database private in real project.
Lam Nhan
@jugutier Also, at this point, we implement the backend with easiest methods we think of. Like, authorize by simple API key, user authentication by JWT, SHA256 password hashing, ... to server the purpose of proving what can be archived. Since, the backend is fully customizable, you can implement and overide any routes you want with your favorite method, just like what we do with ExpressJS app. And at the front end, do requests to a REST API is something that we all familiar.
The product look great, do you think you will post a video about it ? or even a Gif ?
Lam Nhan
@chnoopsy Hello, thank you for your suggestion. I am working on making some posts and better documentation, may be videos and gifs, too, to help people begin. Please keep in sync so that we can serve you better. :)
denis kimani

Looks cool




Requires one to be a developer

Lam Nhan
Hello there, thank you for your review. The product is still young, so it great if you lend us a hand! :D
Daniel Eitam
Looks great!
Lam Nhan
@dadatalks Thank you, hope it helps! :)
Dhanraj Acharya
Nice idea. you should include one suggestion box also on your website.
Lam Nhan
@dhanraj_acharya Thanks for your advice. We really need people to lend a hand! :D
Dallas Crilley
This looks great! First off - just cuz I got your back - there are some typos on the site (ctrl+f for "Sheetabse") I'm stoked to see more trends towards universal solutions of making the content independent from the code and server. ESPECIALLY using Google Sheets, because it's so simple. As a developer, it can be really easy to default to solutions that may be more complicated than they need to be. Particularly if the main consideration should be what makes the most practical sense for a client. There are just so many things you can do with GSuite, it's insane. I'll look forward to playing around with this.
Lam Nhan
@dallas_crilley Oops, thank you for pointing, man! Looking forward to see you enjoy it! :D
Josh Best
Could someone with absolutely 0 knowledge of programming and things like that be able to use this or do you need some sort of background knowledge?
Lam Nhan
@jaybaybay_18 Hello, at this point, it most likely useful for developers. We looking forward to make it more friendly for everyone!
Lee Qixian
I can see how these tools (excel sheets as a database) are extremely useful for many enterprises that are in the older/traditional industries. For example in manufacturing, tracking of orders etc can be displayed easily and what not. I look forward to a version that is extremely easy for non-technical users. Many companies still store so much data and information with excel sheets and the likes of it. Many of these companies will benefit greatly too if they are able to visualize and display these information.
Lam Nhan
@swiftpolar Thank you! We look forward to make it easy for non-technical users in future releases. :)
Juliana CristĂłfalo
I like !!!
Lam Nhan
@juliana_cristofalo Thank you, man! Hope it helps!
Dinuka Jay
This is very creative. Congrats on the launch and I'll give this a try today
Lam Nhan
@dinuka_jayasuriya Thank you, mate! Give it a try and let me know what you think. :)
Charly R
Nice Job !
Lam Nhan
@charly_r Thank you very much! Hope you give it a try and let me know how it helps. :D
Reminds me of @andreyazimov's sheet2site
Lam Nhan
@rdev Yay, Sheet2site is great, indeed. But we give Sheetbase more to the developer, we build Sheetbase long before Sheet2site was introduce. So hope you enjoy and hope it helps. Thank you!
Calvin Chu
WOOOOOO!!! I love this!
Dean Brady
Looking at the Pricing page, am I missing something on the "Free" part? It only allows me to click the Donate button and I only have an option of $1 or more... If someone starts at the pricing page (I usually do) they may leave without knowing they can sign up for free. Just something you might want to address. Maybe change the Donate button to Sign Up and adding a Donate button in the Account area for everyone to see :-)
Lam Nhan
@deanbrady Hello, thank you for your advice. We will take a look into that. Hope you enjoy! :)
Vladimir Vul
This site can’t be reached
David Ho
@vladimir_vul Yeah I can't access it too. Is the product dead?