Michael Oblak

Sheetsu Handlebars - Change web or mobile content with Google Sheet


Sheetsu Handlebars is a child of a low-code and Google Sheets. You can change your website straight from a spreadsheet without extra code.

The steps are simple - every place where you want to add any custom value, taken from Sheets, you add {{ handlebars }} into your code.

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Daniele Di Stanio

Sheetsu powered my e-learning application for the last 14 months, I'm a paying user with no affiliations.

I'm no dev.

It is a tool I can't live without (makers please do not read this) ;-)

All my data is in three separate Google Spreadsheet (each of them of course has redundancy, versioning, collaboration tools). Some of this data is sent to two different websites, some is crunched and then sent.

What is unique, to me, is the ability to abstract your numbers, code, elements, and let them be used for different meanings. The same numbers provide html code, statistics, even provide room for feedbacks.

Code is lean, easy to maintain, docs are good, and support is fast!

Handlebars will make my code even cleaner!



Easy, well documented, extremely powerful


It makes me feel lazy :-D

Michael Oblak
Hi 👋 I’m a founder of Sheetsu Handlebars. It doesn't matter if you are dev or not; now you will be able to change your website from a Google Sheet. Handlebars allow you to code even less with custom snippets. It works with any web technology and most of the mobile ones. Ask me anything!
Derek Shanahan
Most of this possible with Sheetsee (and free): http://jlord.us/sheetsee.js/
George Pagan III
@dshan I agree with you. I tried using it a while back but as a novice I needed some more details and examples of use. Im sure someone more experienced would have done ok with sheetsee but the Sheetsu docs and examples sheetu has are far better.
Jedrzej Urbanski
@dshan Hi Derek, Sheetsu is for free as well. Sheetse is looking nice too! 🙂
Matt Pliszka
Taking the best what Google Spreadsheet can offer and applying this to a website development process. Great idea for those tired of updating website content with less user-friendly CMS solutions, looking forward to it becoming more popular in global web building process!
Step 1. Get IFTTT Step 2. Automate your website's content with this.
Jedrzej Urbanski
@treggify or zapier ;)
@jedrzejurbanski IFTTT is free and familiar and probably better for the types of things I would use it for in this instance (personal site or fun side project type stuff) but Zapier for SURE would provide much richer integrations
Nikolay Siabrenko
Hello, it's very interesting thing for fast create some page without write code. On your home page in part "How to use Handlebars?" I see 3 green images, it's correct?
Michael Oblak
@nikolay_siabrenko Hi! I'm glad you like it! There should be three GIFs showing how to use Sheetsu Handlebars. But, we are looking into it!
Jedrzej Urbanski
Hi, @nikolay_siabrenko. As Micheal wrote there should be 3 GIFs, but no worries - you can see here how to use handlebars and how handlebars works: https://youtu.be/nYxjslK5tcI
Hi there! Does it work with Wordpress?
Michael Oblak
Hi @aga_jaskiewicz, good question. Sure thing! It works with any web or mobile technology where you can use HTML - WordPress, Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, Unbounce, basically anything. So, yes you can use this with WordPress. We don't have a dedicated plugin yet, but it's on our roadmap!
Matt Pliszka

An innovative but user-friendly approach towards website's content management.


simple to apply, simplicity in website's update


hope it will feature plugins to apply the solution in WIX and other non-developers' website builders some day

George Pagan III

I am only about a month into using Sheetsu. This is after about a 2 years trying and using other options none of which saved me time, or headache in updating and maintaining some projects. As small business owner and a relative Novice or "learn as needed" coder I needed something that was time efficient and easy for me to use. Most importantly they have great documentation for someone who doesn't "speak code" fluently and their support team is just very patient in helping someone like me learn to use their product.


Once it's set up the data updates seamlessly, extremely efficient to uselearn, can use multiples sheets in a workbook , and amazing support


I didn't find it sooner

Tomek Duda
Awesome idea! I love how you're able to change the website content in seconds without any coding skills!
Anjelica Jordan
I've tried that once. For onw I'm extremely satisfied :)
Kenold Beauplan
I love the idea. Will surely give it a try later. Good luck!
Wiktor Sobolak
@kenoldb Thank you for a good word! :) Reach out to us anytime you have any questions!
Dustin McCaffree
Very awesome idea. I could see this being really useful for building an MVP of any sort, but I would worry about coupling the reliability of Google Sheets (which can fail updating with dynamic data at times) too tightly with any real production code. Although, I do know that you can push data TO Google Sheets as well with JSONP. I'm interested in trying it out for ideas sometime. :) Source for pushing data to Sheets w/ JS: https://stackoverflow.com/questi...