Oleh Shydlovskyi

Shooots - Get your perfect shots for Dribbble and Instagram simply

30 ready-to-use layouts for Dribbble and Instagram.
Use clean templates, change the background color, and voila, your amazing shot is ready to upload. Don’t forget to answer all the comments to your shot 🤪

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Oleh Shydlovskyi
Hey, guys! Do you use Dribbble or Instagram to present your work process? Sometimes it can be quite exhausting to create something new again and again. And you can feel that you simply wasting your time, when you can make something really great 🤔 We can solve this problem just giving you 30 templates to create awesome shots for your socials. They are easy in use in Sketch or Figma. Just add your content, change the background color, and get a cool result in a few minutes. Really nice pack to get some inspiration also, mm? Btw, tell us do you use Dribbble or Instagram? Let’s share our portfolios below ✌️ Also for everyone who needs UI/UX templates and web-illustrations we provide a 30% discount. Use promo code «ph-30» for purchasing Craftwork products. Let’s create some Shooots 🤪
Paul Mit
Nice thing, good luck!
Ted Spare
Craftwork is always releasing brilliantly clean products! How do you ship so frequently? Best of luck, and look forward to seeing these formats out in the wild.
Stephanie Tarazi
This looks sooo useful, I've actually been searching for something like this!
Sascha Willutzki
Awesome! Looks like it could safe a lot of workload and time and those templates look great.
Looks great! Do you also plan to support desktop/web screenshots?
Denis Shepherd
@anirudhmurali Thank you, Anirudh! First we think to add perspective mobile screens templates. After that, hmm.. not sure. Usually web screens have a different dimensions, so I'm not sure template will look good with any design.
Edward Shepard
Would be great if you created a set like this, but with notebook and desktop templates for those of us who make desktop and web apps!
Camilla Farennikova
Wonderful idea! 😊 I've added your product to my collection of useful links for designers on VSpace
Steve Wilson
Amazing idea, always wanted to have something like this to create dribbble or behance shots