Matt T - Build trust and verify success


A platform for users to display third party verified analytics, boosting their reputation and credibility.

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Matt T
Online I’ve noticed a rise in stripe screenshots, especially in the indie hacking space. I think that a lot of these can be legit, but it seems like most people disagree. So I made a site to clear up any doubt: Showproof profiles only display third party verified web analytics and revenue data. This is great to prove you’re not just yapping online, but it can be even more valuable when trying to showcase your success to customers or clients. For example, if you want to sell ad space on your website, or you’re trying to showcase past success as a freelancer. So far I’ve integrated Stripe, Google Analytics, Plausible, and Twitter, but there will be more integrations coming soon. Also, I want to add an explore page so that people can gain some more exposure and traffic, I’m just trying to get more users first.