Shuffle is an online editor for Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Bulma, and Material-UI. Today, we are launching our marketplace and two new UI libraries for Tailwind! Learn more here →
Hello Product Hunters!
You might have met us here recently when we reported features that we added at the beginning of 2021, but today we come with something bigger! 😎
We want to present to you the Shuffle Marketplace and two new UI libraries for Tailwind CSS (Shuffle UX & Zeus UI).
1️⃣ Shuffle UX is a library for fast prototyping & creating mockups.
2️⃣ Zeus UI is a landing component library built with colorful aesthetics and eye-catching details that will delight you.
Both were created with and for Tailwind CSS 2.0!
In the Marketplace, we collect all the UI libraries available in our editor. If you are interested in working with us as a creator, watch our profiles for more information. ❤️
Two new UI libraries are just a tiny step compared to our plans to expand and add new libraries & export technologies that you can use to create beautiful websites.
More libraries are coming next month:
👉 Artemis Dashboard - is designed to present fundamental metrics that impact the business process's decisions. We made it with care for details and a pleasing look.
👉 Bendis Landing - those UI components are designed with sharp shapes and bold colors. Page made with Bendis catches every visitor's eye!
All of the above are free updates for our users!
If you have an active account at Shuffle you don't need to buy & upgrade anything. 😘
Thanks for reading & support ✌️
PS. You don't need to sign up to try the demo!
@frankspin Hey Frank, I saw on your profile that you also created a library for Tailwind CSS. Congratulations! We plan to have 50 UI libraries in Shuffle (not only for Tailwind CSS) by the end of the year. If you're interested in having your designs available in our editor as well, please send me a PM :)
@mappa22 Most of our customers prefer Tailwind CSS, and it is a super popular technology right now. However, our editor works with all technologies mentioned by you, and we will add more soon (Vue + Vuetify will be next).
In April, we will release an open-source toolkit for porting Tailwind CSS config to Bootstrap/Bulma. We use it internally to port our UI libraries to these technologies (now in testing). We plan to port all our UI libraries into multiple technologies (they will look the same but will work with different CSS frameworks). So that you can choose what do you prefer. :)
Here's my short story with Shuffle:
I missed out on hearing about Shuffle by a week - we had to implement a new landing page and that was so much work. Just after I was done, I saw David's post on Facebook about the platform. Oh boy, I wish I knew about it just a week earlier!
It's been incredible a long time ago and it keeps getting better. Try it!
Congrats on the launch @dawid_andrzejewski!
You should consider one-click launch on Netlify, Vercel and others.
Doing one click deployments with NEXT, GatsbyJS could be very powerful for your users: both developers and designers.
As a current customer of yours I'm in love with your product! Good luck with the launch! :) (can't wait for Artemis Dashboard to be released by the way ;))
@fabrizio_spanu, your wish will soon come true! ;) Recently, we started our blog, where we plan to publish videos, articles, and tutorials. We were supposed to start doing this earlier, but we focused on getting the marketplace up and running first.
@andre92 Vue and Vuetify are the two following technologies we will support :) We also plan to allow creators to publish their components for private usage (internal projects), and this is a part of our marketplace module (uploading UI libraries into Shuffle). Still, we need a few weeks for tests & updates to open it to the public.
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UI Library Creator