Thanks for posting! Sickweather Groups is a new feature within the app that allows people to report illnesses anonymously to any location (schools, businesses, restaurants, daycares, etc) for others to be alerted, and creates forums for these conversations about health. You can also Claim a group to become a verified admin. Check it out and let me know what you think! Cheers, Graham
Product Hunters may also like to know that Sickweather was recently recognized for accurately pinpointing the peak of flu season in the US this year nearly 2 months in advance!
@stevepyoung We license the de-identified data to healthcare companies, which they use for strategic decisions related to understanding population health trends in different markets. We also have some advertisers and sponsors, like Walgreens.
@nathangilmore Thanks hon! The local tech community here has been very supportive. Shout outs to ETC, Betamore, TEDCO, Johns Hopkins, TechBreakfast, Startup Maryland, and HCEDA.
Speaking of Baltimore, we also have a ton of support from the Boulder and KC tech communities, of which we are thankful to Techstars for introducing us. Shout outs to Foundry Group, Sprint Accelerator, SMCKC, Grinders, Mildred's, Oklahoma Joes, Gates -- ok, now I'm just naming my favorite KC eateries, of which there are many.