Hey Everyone, I'm the maker of the Sigstr product, and I'd love your questions and feedback!
How many emails do you send each day? The average employee sends 10,000 emails every year, so 100 employees send over 1,000,000! It's an unreal channel, but the company marketer has zero control over branding or marketing in 1:1 employee emails. Sigstr makes it uber simper for the company or department to control branding and marketing via the employee email signature. So instead of annoying quotes and poorly rendered images, every send includes the latest though leadership content or an event registration CTA.
It takes 3 minutes to set up and requires zero IT effort to manage. Let us know what you think!
@danhanrahan8 only recommendation would be allowing the scale to go above 500 employees - i generally consider 1000 employees or under to be SMB orgs :)
@stttories Great feedback! We have customers with thousands of employees. We just launched the new marketing site this morning, and the calculator allows you to manually enter thousands of employees. We'll get that slider updated for you!
I like this overall idea for sure. The coming soon "Signature" features are what I'd personally be most interested in for my typical use-cases. Being able to make 'brand-level' items conditional and update automatically would also be helpful. For example, 'we just changed our tagline and now with one click can update all employee signatures to show that...' or same goes for things like logo art or web and social media links. Google apps integration is also must-have IMO.
@jydesign Very helpful feedback, James - thanks so much for sharing. We've had a lot of interest in the signatures feature, so we're excited to roll that out.
@jydesign: The # 1 driver behind the new UX we're releasing today is to provide new functionality as you've described. The UX will allow us to tuck in the most requested customer features:
-Email Signature Control (standard fonts, fields, logos, social icons)
-Integrations (Google Apps is up first although we have dozens of customers using the Gmail integration)
-Deep Analytics (who clicked my campaigns etc)
Leveraging the email signature for marketing campaigns was step 1, but we're just getting started! Keep the feedback coming!
We've been using Sigstr (happily) for a number of months now, and it looks like the team has been working pretty hard to push a ton of improvements out! Love how responsive they are to feedback and suggestions as well...hopefully the founder (Dan Hanrahan) will hop on here and let us know what's up!
Ben, Thanks for the kind comments and for providing such amazing input as an early customer. You and our other early adopters have really helped shape the product. Today, we started a phased release of our new user experience (UX) and launched a new marketing site. We're just getting started!
@ourielohayon our CTR is actually .5% on our email campaigns. Not sure how that compares but performs way better than pretty much any ad unit out there
@ourielohayon Ouriel, You're smart to measure the results! That's a key tenant in Sigstr. We measure everything. The average Click-Through-Rate for a Sigstr campaign served via the email signature is .5%. There is a cool calculator on our homepage: www.sigstr.com. If you have 100 employees, you will send 1,000,000 emails / year. An average email is viewed 2.5 times (think forwards, multiple recipients, multiple opens). So you'll end up with 12,775 new engagements or visits. We believe the 2,555,000 impressions are also very meaningful.
Hey Dan - love this! Excited to use it for my startup. From seeing early users data, are there interesting data points that have stuck out as to what makes a great email signature?
@realsimonburns Thanks for the interest, Simon! When thinking about adding a Sigstr campaign to your signature, we have a number of best practices. A few quick hits:
-Help First: As with any good marketing call-to-action, think about content that helps rather than "buy now" content.
-Image Size: Keep the image to 75 pixels tall x 250 pixels wide.
-Include the Call-to-Action: Don't forget to include a well designed CTA button to "Learn More", "Download", etc.
We have a few best practices resources in the app and can share a few designs to inspire!
Aren't adding images to every email a big no-no? Will this affect emails getting marked as spam or other detrimental factors when working with different mail boxes?
@alancassinelli Hi Alan! Great question. Two of the top deliverability services are Return Path and 250ok. They are trusted by the world's largest email senders (think email service providers, retailers, etc) to ensure emails are delivered and are not blocked as spam. Both Return Path and 250ok are Sigstr customers, which is awesome! We love them! Sigstr is really a hosted image (linked image) and has no different impact to your spam score than any other link / image.
Great product! Happy customer. Really excited for the new UI of the app that's teased on the new marketing site and some of the new features that Dan mentioned above.
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