Justin Jackson

MegaMaker - 30 - "Like a kid in a candy store" — When we had our first child 14 years ago, we made a decision


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Justin Jackson
Heraclitus said "the only thing that is constant Is change." In this episode I open up about how the MegaMaker project is going, and what the future holds. ✌️
Levi Kovacs
@mijustin Thanks Justin for sharing and the honesty! At the end of the day that is what we all do - or at least supposed to do - try a bunch of things and double down on stuff that works! I am looking forward to more! 👍
Justin Jackson
@kovlex thanks @kovlex! I appreciate that.
Sammy Schuckert
@mijustin Wow – I appreciate your honesty! Now that you told so, my head instantly turned: yes, he is right! As I got you to know from listening and reading your stuff, some instinct directly told me this seams to be the right path for you. What almost instantly popped up inside my head while listen to your observation, were the first few sentences you start your book Marketing for Developers with: "In 1983 my family got a Commodore VIC-20. One of the first things I did was create a “Hello World” application in BASIC. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to make stuff with computers." There you name it. For me it totally make sense to double down on this path. I’m really excited about this 3rd season! Looking forward to the next episode. Keep on rockin’!
Kiki Schirr
Just got my MegaMaker shirt in the mail! Will selfie soon -- on a better hair day! haha
Justin Jackson
@kikischirr Awwwww yeaaaaahhh! 🤘 (Little known fact: every day in a MegaMaker tee is a good hair day)