Justin Jackson

MegaMaker - EP22 - "Anxiety society" - How to reduce maker anxiety + talking to real humans


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Justin Jackson
The hardest part about making stuff: YOU EVENTUALLY HAVE TO SHOW IT TO REAL PEOPLE. How can you reduce the anxiety? You have to get out of the building and talk to human beings. This episode features audio clips from @sachagreif @iamashley @robotpony @_J_Palm @jonfriesen and more! (you can listen on iTunes as well)
Justin Jackson
As an aside - this just made my day: @sammyschuckert and @bensufiani meet randomly at a conference in Germany because @bensufiani is wearing a MegaMaker t-shirt!
Jeffrey Wyman
@mijustin @sammyschuckert @bensufiani you guys do any events around boston / new england?
Ben Sufiani
@mijustin @sammyschuckert It was totally a secret handshake moment ... like ... Whaaaat, you toooo? :D
Ben Sufiani
@jeffrey_wyman @mijustin @sammyschuckert We are from Cologne, Germany so it's kind of a long walk to Boston. If we are nearby, we'll come by for sure.