Graham Paterson

Tinder for Tinders - Swipe through Tinder-for-X ideas


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Ryan Hoover
We've reached peak Tinder. The funny thing is many of these Tinder for X ideas actually exist. Here are a bunch.
Graham Paterson
@rrhoover I was trying to think of the least feasible ideas possible. Interesting that they're maybe almost viable.
Nikhil Kundra
@rrhoover Lol - The amount of times we're heard investors call Partender: "Tinder for bottles..."
Graham Paterson
@luisobo This Tweet will be the centre of the next Hollywood startup blockbuster.
The stats behind this app will be gold, if it picks up pace, you'll know which ideas people like and don't :) - then build from there! good job G
Graham Paterson
@orliesaurus That's actually a great idea...
Tiffany Zhong
@orliesaurus @gpat_uk yeah unless people swipe left/right jokingly on your website in which case it wouldn't be accurate at all
Graham Paterson
@orliesaurus @tzhongg Wouldn't be accurate, but good gauge...
@gpat_uk @tzhongg but why would they :D you could make it social so you see what your friends swiped !
Mahieddine Cherif
@orliesaurus i clicked on the left button for all the ideas...just to see how it works so i can easily imagine that many of us did the same thing ...
Ben Basche
Where can we submit proposals? Tinder for sarcastic parody apps
Adam Marx
Is there a Tinder-for-X collection on PH already? If not, someone should make one.
Andrew Bills
@adammarx13 Kinda sad I have my own tinder for x product we are just finishing up too... at least what I'm doing doesn't seem to be on anyone's list so far (plus it was a side project)
Adam Marx
@evilspyboy Nothing wrong, even with getting into a crowded market. "Crowds" are relative; if you know your market or niche audience better than anyone else, the crowded-effect diminishes. Everything in context.
Andrew Bills
@adammarx13 I think i'm just doing it because the style fits the use case more than 'hey we should build a tinder for x'. Still a side project, everyone else is pretty hot for it though. Wish we had a better term for uber/tinder/airbnb for x. Id bet they aren't even the original creators of the UI in most cases just the ones that made it big with it.
Eric Wilson
My girlfriend just saw this and said "I don't want to live in this century anymore."
Jason Lankow
@ecwilson but what would she do if she couldn't aggregate all of her aggregators?
Graham Paterson
I find the trickle of 'Tinder-for-X' and 'AirBnB-for-Y' apps pretty unimaginative, so a good lampooning was in order. That said, maybe 'Tinder for electoral voting' is the future.
Niv Dror
I made GIF