Lee Lance

SiteBy Verify for WP - Easily add SiteBy verification to your WordPress sites.


SiteBy Verify for WP is the easiest way to verify your WordPress site on SiteBy.

To clarify some questions we've received: this helps you verify WP sites. To add your work to SiteBy, learn more here https://www.producthunt.com/posts/siteby.

Exclusive deal for Product Hunters! Use coupon code 6FREE-PRODUCTHUNT for 6 months of SiteBy Pro for free.

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Dre Durrđź’ˇ
Such a simple idea to a big problem. Dope Can you the user change the text from "SiteBy" to "PoweredBy"?
Robb Bennett
@dredurr Thanks! I'm glad you like the idea. It will certainly make it easier for people to verify their WordPress site on SiteBy. I'm not quite sure what you mean about changing "SiteBy" to "PoweredBy". Can you elaborate?
Lee Lance
Product Hunters! Check out this new super easy way @robbbennett made to verify WordPress sites on SiteBy. Whether you build on WP or not, we'd love to see your work on SiteBy: https://www.producthunt.com/post... We look forward to hearing your feedback on how to make SiteBy work for you!
Robb Bennett
Hi all! We hope you're enjoying SiteBy. Being a custom WordPress developer, it was a must for me to create a SiteBy Verification plugin to make it easier for sites powered by WordPress to get verified. Give it a try and let us know what you think. Thanks!
Lee Lance

Nice and easy - saves you from having to put the verification code in the html.


Makes it easy to verify WordPress sites.

