Angela Molina

Learn Ethereum: The Collection - The book set teaching how to build with Ethereum

Learn Ethereum: The Collection is a set of 3 ebooks teaching you how to build decentralized apps on the blockchain with Ethereum.

As part of the collection, you'll get:

- A Developer's Guide to Ethereum

- Build Your First Ethereum DApp

- Ethereum: Tools & Skills

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Why did you decide to offer the content in this format? I'd also like to know your backgrounds in Ethereum and how they inform what you put in the courses @__angelamolina
Angela Molina
Hi @abadesi, We love books and luckily so do many of our learners at SitePoint. Why wouldn't you, you can carry your books with you or digitise them and learn on the go. Since a lot of our readers are dev's keen to get in the industry or already working as professional devs, we're time poor. Our book collections are made for the time poor, big learnings done quickly and with plenty of practical lessons to try. Now me, there's a reason I haven't written in the collection, but @bitfalls has. Bruno is our Blockchain newsletter editor and even runs his own Cryptocurrency publishing website himself — and oh does he know his cryptocurrency/tech! Knowing our learners upskilling needs and the time available they have to learn, we've been able to craft these 3 ebooks to meet those needs. Something that as a team we're very proud of! 🙌
I have been searching around books to learn End to end Ethereum Development. Hope this is an end to my search.
Angela Molina
@iamaayushij I hope so too! But if you find that you need more, please feel free to ping me. I'd be happy to point you in the right direction or make a request on your behalf. :)
Angela Molina
Hey everyone! This is Angela from SitePoint. Today I’m really excited to share with you our new Learn Ethereum: The Collection set! Ethereum is a powerful blockchain-based platform for building distributed applications. Where Bitcoin seeks to decentralize payments, Ethereum has much broader ambitions — replacing and decentralizing all sorts of services that store, manipulate and transfer data and verified records. Our 3 ebook Learn Ethereum book set will introduce you to the fundamental concepts behind the blockchain, and Ethereum itself. Our collection consists of three books that will not only introduce you to Ethereum, you’ll even learn to build your own decentralized apps. To continue your growth and point you in the right direction, we've compiled a guide of the best Ethereum tools and resources out now. We’ve worked hard to develop content that we think is interesting, useful and shares our love of learning. My hope is that you’ll learn something new from Learn Ethereum, so you can take it into the world and kick some ass with Ethereum. 🚀🚀🚀