Sketch Icons - Generate a dynamic icon library in less than 5 minutes
A Sketch plugin that allows you to import a set of icons and automatically apply a color mask.
A Sketch plugin that allows you to import a set of icons and automatically apply a color mask.
Wire Flow
To the creators... I got so excited of using the plugin that I made a quick video demoing the product. I hope you like it:
Pros:Easy to use. Works like a charm
Cons:Some icons (very rarely) wouldn't scale down to the size of the artboard.
Love this! I was literally thinking about a plugin like this this morning in the shower. I've been manually/automating my process to lock, scale, colorize icon sets I use. Takes forever! This helps speed that process a tone. Hope to explore the plugin more and look forward to future updates.
Works great. Used it to create my first reusable icon file for Ionicons.
Pros:Turn icons into usable symbols, save tons of time, make designers happy
Cons:Usage instructions are a bit lacking
Prime Design System Kit
This is a real time saver plugin
Pros:Time saver
It has been suuch a cumbersome process to do exactly what Sketch Icons does. This also happens to be one of my first products tried on Product Hunt and has definitely given a warm welcome :)
Pros:Extremely intuitive and highly useful!
When importing line icons or solid filled icons, it works like a charm, but if you want to import, say, a flat line icon set that has fill and stroke colors, it bugs out and doesn't import it correctly at all.
Pros:Works well with simple icons
Cons:Works poorly with more complex (flat-colored) icons
Streamline video proofing
Idea to create an Art board of all icons too.
Thanks to creators for the plugin! Thanks to Pablo for opening it for me.
Pros:It`s saves tones of time
Cons:Cant find any at this moment