hi Thomas, thanks for featuring ELIZA! With this chatbot I recreated the original chat script from the 1960s.
Feel free to ask me any questions about the ELIZA FB Messenger chatbot!
@__tosh there are several ELIZA scripts available on the internet, some are Javascript implementations, some in other languages. The advantage of developing chatbots (in contrast to apps) is, that you can program it in whatever language you like!
Here is the description of ELIZA on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA
@electrobabe@__tosh no really, did you build your own AIML interpreter? or adapt the existing java one? trying to understand how you adapted the concept of reductions.
@natalie_korotaeva yeah, the original script was a bit ... dull ;) it didn't even understand "hey" or other contemporary slang ;). so I pimped it with some phrases from Mica, the Hipster Cat Bot https://hipstercatbot.com
also I added a feature that when you request a "picture" (or it appears randomly) a Rorschach test pic is shown ;)
@electrobabe I copied the script in the 80s from Amiga Magazine by hand into my Amiga 500 🤖 yes translation is a issue, maybe combining with google translate nowadays?
@_stritti_ wow! manual copy from a magazine! :D
autotransation is unfortunately still not very good and also expensive... so we stick with English for the time being
This is in the productivity category? Hahaha. Not sure about that, but it does bring back memories of playing with very primitive chat *bots* when I was a kid.
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Codeq Natural Language Processing API
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Screensaver Ninja
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Mimi, the Hipster Cat Voice Assistant
Story Replay