Building a more productive, creative and safe world with autonomous flight
Chris Messina
Skydio R1 โ€” The self-flying camera has arrived

The R1 is a fully autonomous flying camera. With the introduction of R1, the company is taking a step toward the future of autonomous drones and enabling a new type of visual storytelling.

Justin Jackson
This drone brings a whole new meaning to the term "helicopter parent." ๐Ÿ˜œ
Michael Brandt
Super cool. Would love to take this on a bike ride.
Kyle Russell
@bdm_tastemakers I think we could make that happen!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Not sure I've got $2500 to spare for this one.
Shawn Kirsch
Looking at the kayaking part of the video, I can't help by image how many times it lost track of the subject. Looking at DJI's active track features, that shit is annoying. Would be cool if it can really do that.
Kyle Russell
@shawnkirsch check out our videos and the Tested hands-on
Skydio R1 is pretty good at not losing people :)
At first glance it looks like it could target similar market to GoPro cameras, but I think it can also do much better in areas which GoPro doesn't/can't service. This would include any close contact sports or settings where it's not practical to wear a camera on your head (hockey, football, movie sets?). It will be interesting to follow this product (pun intended).
Nick Abouzeid
Casey Neistat called this the "Lamborghini" of drones. Can't wait to try this out myself.
Alexey Plekhanov
Hereโ€™s becoming a really โ€œHard time on planet Earth โ€œ ๐Ÿ˜‰
Travis Murdock
Kinda amazing. I must admit my skepticism was high till I saw a few review videos. Amazing to go through trees while on a mountain bike. Eager to come up with a reason to buy one. If this tech works, there are so many other business applications for it.
Marcus Davenport
I can't wait until they make one that looks like a pet. I want to use it like a Google home but it needs to self dock when it needs to recharge. I'll buy two so I have contestant coverage! So please allow me to sync this with my magic leap glasses when they become wearables.
Peter Somerville
How packable is the Skydio? Does it fold?
Kyle Russell
@peter_somerville Doesn't fold, but it easily fits in a backpack or carry-on luggage.
Anner J. Bonilla
Can't find a reference to fast charging or charge time for the 16 minutes of flight. But it looks really really neat hopefully in the future as volume increase price comes down to something closer to the consumer level. Any word on tentative release date? I assume a few quarters away?
Kyle Russell
@annerajb It's available to buy now :)
Saeed Hessami

Not sure how it would track a single individual in a crowded area - i.e. on a ski slope?


Very nice idea and design. Excellent tracking of a single individual in an open area.


A bit pricey. Flight duration is short.

Darcy Reno
This is amazing tech. But, it's so impractical. 16 minute workout, event or race. That's a warmup - Then your stuck carrying it.
James Okon

Under hash weather or wild terrain a blend of team drones could handle or aid a search and rescue had to be tested in snow and rain and out at sea....I am from a fishing community...the need to go out from a boat out at night in a sormy weather can help your designers come up with very sturdier designs...but i greet this achievements that has breaking into new grounds of better efficiency...kudos guys Skydio R1


It has convinced sufficeintly


If traced by a stiff opponent options are bright

Matt Clark
Great, sleek design of protected propellers. Obviously outdoors/action oriented customers but I feel like drone videos always fall short of better segmentation. Expensive as hell but worth it for either sponsored or livestream/youtube/etc type folks? I feel like a grandpa in that I would never own one but I feel like taking a dirtbike or motorcycle out and having it track me would be awesome until the battery ran out, then I'd chuck it in the bin.
Jorge Hurtado
Can someone explain why so many drones have batteries that last only 15-20 minutes? I genuinely want to understand this from a technical perspective. Can't handle more weight? It makes it way more expensive?
Guan Gui
Looks nice, but my concerns are: 1. what's the wind resistance comparing to DJI Mavic Pro/Air? 2. what's the error rate for autonomous flying? 3. can you reliably identify me if I jump into a crowd of people? 4. can it handle moving obstacles?
Fiess Edouard
@guiguan It looks like it was handling the other Skydio 1 quite well, filming right behind it and avoiding it...
Terrell Sanchez
Yeah, I haven't seen such concept before. Looks perspective
Miguel Perez Alvarez

It would be interesting how evolve price ober time


Huge capacity to register activity


needs to let user code and change settings over personal needs

Sam Campbell
Looks awesome! And brought Marc Andreessen out of his twitter freeze.
Blaise Gauba

Wow! Amazing! Love it! I want one!


Too freaking COOL!


It's TOO cool? Hahaha!