Find and book great deals on flights, hotels, and car rental
Chris Messina
Skyscanner Price Prediction — Helping you decide the best time to book your flights
Skyscanner’s price prediction feature removes the ‘what ifs’ for travellers. By applying predictive analysis and machine learning to our pricing database we predict whether the price is likely to drop, rise or stay the same between booking and departure dates.
David Iwanow
Very cool use of AI & Machine learning, looking forward to seeing how this copes with the current volatility due to Coronavirus... also found a few apps who tried this in the past but only did it for economy flights but I assume with all the data Skyscanner has access to they can do some cool stuff
Great feature. 👏 Addresses that common fear "should I book now OR wait for a few weeks/days (princes might fluctuate)?" Excellent design output as well!
Faizal Ardiansyah
It is my mainstay product to search for ticket prices. This feature has been around for a long time but why is it only now entering PH. Even I'm in Indonesia, the price of Skyscanner is accurate.
Aseem Shrey
Now my go to website/app for booking flight tickets. Even the current trip flight tickets have been booked using this.
Aliaksandra Lamachenka
@aseemshrey Thanks so much, Aseem! Absolutely fantastic to know it! Where are you heading to? :)
Aseem Shrey
@alexstrvinsky I think there's some issue with the product hunt app, can't do anything in the reply textbox. Coming to your question, Andamans it is 😇
Aliaksandra Lamachenka
@aseemshrey Andamans! What a trip you're about to have! <3 Safe travels, Aseem!
Sujith Devanagari
That is a great App, for me the Interesting part was showing Greener Choice with Percentage, Thanks for this, I'll use it from now on!
David Iwanow
Perfect use of data to help consumers
Aliaksandra Lamachenka
@davidiwanow Thank you, David! More cool features to come soon!
Yahawa Cat
Is this like Hopper?
Would be nice if you could do some filtering also, like only calculate on direct flights.
Fajar Siddiq
I've been waiting for this
Sofia Jennings
The idea behind it is just great, will be using it soon) Great design, both for website and app!
Arthur Andreyev
Very useful!
Sky scanner is good, just some of the dodgy web site's are scams. And try over charging you .
Marina Usenko
good stuff
Soumia Mahdjoub
Cheap flights