👏 🏻Great (if somewhat inevitable) move from the Slack team! But it's not going to replace Skype for me (and many other people) until there's a seamless way to include external people in those calls...
@mr_ed I totally agree with you Ed. When Google open sourced WebRTC (the technology behind Screenhero) I heard everywhere around the world announcing "Skype is dead" ... this was back in 2012! I think calls on Slack is a GREAT feature and the least you can ask to a collaborative platform. However, I don't see 1:1 calls (in the free plan) kill massively Hangouts and Skype. In enterprises, people will still use MS Lync or other WebRTC client solutions like BlueJeans. Ottspott.co offers Slack teams the ability to get external calls from regular phones and allows also to call mobile and landlines with slash commands. A perfect fit with Calls on Slack :-)
@stillupmysleeve@mr_ed Frank, when Slack will offer free group audio/video conf, + mobile I agree Skype and Hangouts will suffer. For the moment 1:1 is great but having to pay for what you have for free with Skype and Hangouts will keep a lot of teams away.
Hmm so followed the link but don't appear to have that button? Is it not available on all accounts? universalavenue.slack would love access to this if any slack overlords are watching these threads
This impacts Skype more than Hangouts in my view. Right now it's internal calling, so call it an Intercom, but I expect integration with the PSTN to come.
Been waiting for this and still anxiously waiting the video integration! Wondering if there are any limits on the number of people who can join in on a call at the same time??
Hi @katoree. As it's based on a WebRTC audio-videoconference bridge (Screenhero) , you should probably be able to have as many participants as you wish. In the free plan, it's only 1:1.
I'd like to see them add simple, asynchronous audio recordings.
@ClayCollins got me using Voxer, which is like an audio-based Slack, and the speed of voice is surprisingly helpful, esp when you can set playback to 2x or 3x.
@ludobos yeah we use appear.in too but it's annoying for external parties - in case they don't use Chrome and then can't screenshare or something. Love how quick it is to get going though - that's the usp
Is this the roll out of the Screen Hero acquisition? I truly miss Screen Hero and cannot wait for it to be integrated into slack. It was hands down the best way to screen share and pair on code problems. https://screenhero.com/
@quinaluis@tnsrig outof curiosity...do you happen to know how the stats for monthly and daily active users look like? Just from my friends and peers it looks like it is only used occasionally when the situation requires it.
@boettges Well Skype4business has all the MS Lync user base which is on the enterprise market on a day to day basis; not to be compared with the b2c Skype.
Great news. I tested it yesterday and the sound quality was clear, but still very sensitive for mouse clicks and typing on the keyboard during the conversation. But I'm sure that will be fixed with future improvements :). At this moment It solves a major headache for me with getting the team in the same Hangouts session which often doesn't go very smoothly organizing and on boarding everyone at the same time.
@ugumu Yeah, I guess I was jumping ahead to their comments about video. Voice calls aren't really a pain point for our team, but being able to jump into a crisp video call on Slack would be the real game changer.
This was inevitable! I've even forgotten Slack doesn't have voice calls and then am surprised when I try to call and realise I can't.
Skype/Google Hangout/the others are surely going to struggle to compete here I feel
@bentossell Slack isn't yet in the charity business :) In the free plan (most used for communications outside the company), only the 1:1 call is included otherwise you'll have to move to the standard $6,67 plan. So as long as the free plan only includes 1:1 calls, link based conferencing based on WebRTC probably will be the easiest way.