Chris Luquetta-Fish

Screen Sharing in Slack - A simple way to share your ideas and your screen

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Chris Luquetta-Fish
Top Product
Hello Product Hunt! I’m Chris, a product manager at Slack. We’re very excited to add Screen Sharing to Calls in Slack so that you can share your screen with your teammates to collaborate and get work done. Screen sharing (like voice and video calls before it) is based largely on WebRTC, along with a few modifications we’ve made to make your experience better. You should experience smooth, high quality, high frame rate screen shares. As always, we paid attention to the experience and aim to offer a simple and beautiful UI. Screen sharing is available to all paid teams and will be rolling out slowly over the next few days. We’ll be around answering any questions you may have. Let us know what you think! Any and all feedback is deeply appreciated. You can also learn more on our blog:
Damián Hernández
@one16th Been waiting for this from a long time. This feature is greatly appreciated.
Josh Puetz
@one16th HELL YES! 🙌
Girish Pai
@one16th This is awsome. Have been waiting for this feature. I have been using Screenleap till date. Thanks for this feature .
Sameer Sontakey
@one16th This is awesome! 🙌 Love the video call feature and now screen sharing? sign me up!
Any ETA for the full Screenhero feature set?
Chris Luquetta-Fish
Top Product
@dubstrike We're actively investigating this, but wanted to get screen sharing out first. If your team is on a paid plan you can use Screenhero by going to:
@one16th We're using it almost daily. Looking forward to having it available in Slack. Good job on the integration so far! 👏
Vivek Pal
@dubstrike @one16th That's one of the important features which will make communication more intact. Although just to let you, we are about to offer same features to all the users free of cost. We believe, customer don't need to pay till the time it's freely available in the market.
Jonah Price
@one16th @dubstrike Screenhero was free to use - you're putting it's features behind a paywall?
Chris Luquetta-Fish
Top Product
@jyonah Screenhero has been available to paid teams since joining Slack, go to to set it up.
Ryan Hoover
This is another example of Slack eating other business tools and it vertically integrates team collaboration tools. They're uniquely positioned to compete with long-standing, big players because they have access to a unique graph (the people you work with today) and own the real-estate team's use throughout the day (reducing friction). Next up: Google Docs, Dropbox, Trello. What else?
Chris Toy
If you wrote a version of this paragraph, but justifying what Instagram is doing, it would probably be really compelling.
Chris Luquetta-Fish
Top Product
@rrhoover We’ve invested a lot into the Slack platform and our partners in the space. Everybody should have access to the tools, apps, and workflows they need to get work done, and we think it’s a much better experience if it’s streamlined in one interface! This is a great time to remind teams that they can switch to other calling apps in Slack and we’re working on integrating them even better. We’re not looking to “eat” other business tools, but bring them into the fold in a way that makes life easier for people.
Sherad Louis-Charles
@christoy Same for Facebook, but they don't execute nearly as well.
James King
I don't know if that's entirely true. Lots of orgs already use Google Apps (G-Suite or whatever they're calling it now). The instant Google releases Hangouts Chat broadly, I can see a lot of orgs having a really, really hard time justifying Slack's additional cost when they can just use Hangouts.
Ross Rojek
@rrhoover Plus as 3rd parties add integrations, slack can probably track usage and use that as evidence for new feature sets they build out themselves. Amazon did that with plenty of their vendors, tracking sales and figuring out what product lines to get into themselves. Being a 3rd party supplier on someone else's platform is always a risk.
Kunal Bhatia
Awesome! Screen sharing was holding me back from using Slack for meetings. Just got our paid team account. Looking forward to using Slack Video Calls!
Chris Luquetta-Fish
Top Product
@kunalslab ❤️
Vivek Pal
@kunalslab would you like to give a try to We are still in beta but we are about offer same features without any charge.
Niv Dror
@evivekpal you know it's not very nice to go to someone's launch and promoting your own product (multiple times)
Andy Cook
One step closer to using Slack for all internal communications on our team. Chat, calls, screen share and a few 3rd party integrations cover almost all the bases.
Salman S. Qadeer
Hey @andygcook ! I am a Product Manager on the Platform team here at Slack - I would absolutely love to know more about what other types of apps you are looking for that would make your working life more pleasant and productive!
Andy Cook
@salmansq Hey Salman - happy to chat with you. Fair warning, I'm building an app on Slack called Tettra that lets you find and share evergreen knowledge with your team, so probably not your typical user. Shoot me an email if you want to schedule a call -
Dereck Breuning
Great job! 👏🏻L.O.V.E. SLACK! ❤️ This is building upon the Screenhero acquisition or something parallel? Either way great stuff.
Ben Tossell
Been waiting for this!
Chris Luquetta-Fish
Top Product
@bentossell We're so happy to launch this. Let us know what you think!
Rick Bannerman
Nice! I've been waiting for this since the ScreenHero acquisition!
Eric Friedman
I spend a ridiculous amount of time on Slack calls now daily and this was the missing feature - thanks for shipping it!
Sunny R Gupta
Just wanted to check in, does screensharing also allow remote control? If so, I'd be able to use it for remote-mentoring my teammates.
Chris Luquetta-Fish
Top Product
@sunny_r_gupta Not right now. If your team is on a paid plan you can try our version of remote control with Screenhero by going to:
Houssein Djirdeh
I have been waiting for this since Screenhero was acquired two years ago, glad to hear it's finally launching and looking forward to using it!
Great to see. Love Slack
Mathias Elmose
Great to see finally! Though I think you're building up the suspense a bit too much first with voice, then video, then screenshare and then...we get the screenhero features we have been longing for so long?
Igor Ozherelyev
Perfect! Finally i can stop using skype for screen sharing)
Cindy Wu
long live powwie 🖖🏼
Deyson Ortiz
What is the future of Screenhero? I love how Screen Hero allows for dual mouse control which is perfect for 1 on 1 training. Thank you.
Shane Jeffers
Can't wait to give this a shot!
Greg Becker
Yesss!!! So excited. Finally :)
Chris Wilson
Finally! I have been having to hop onto a different app to do a screen share while on a call. I foresee more and more that people are getting tired with a Frankestien approach to their workflow and things that incorporate it all into one system will become more popular.
Sean Tiffonnet ▲
Yesss! Yess and yesss! Thanks for the great work!