Sam Evans

Slack Connect Direct Messages - DM anyone outside your company from Slack


Slack Connect allows you to send direct messages to people outside your company, simplifying the way you work with partners. Use this feature to seamlessly schedule meetings, sign documents and quickly collaborate on important tasks without ever leaving Slack.

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Matt Wahl
Top Product
Hi Product Hunt 👋 I’m Matt from the Slack Connect Product team. I’ve got some good news: Slack Connect DMs are now generally available! 🚀 We’re very excited about this launch. It’s now possible to quickly and securely message anyone outside your organization with Slack. 🤝 To start, teams on paid plans can send DM invitations to any partner and start messaging in Slack when the other side accepts. Soon, we’ll extend the ability to send Slack Connect DM invitations to free teams. 📝 Check out our blog post ( for more details, including new integrations from Docusign and Calendly to make external DMs simpler, more pleasant, and more productive. ❓ We’ll be around all day to answer any questions, and would love to hear what you think.
guillaume cabane
@wahl Love it! Saw this line in the blog post: 👉 "A salesperson can form a direct line of contact to prospects" Curious, how will you handle the risk of email spam transferring to Slack DMs?
Matt Wahl
Top Product
@guillaumecabane Thanks! Re: email spam — a couple points: • Unlike email where anyone can send emails without your approval, the recipient of the DM needs to approve the connection before you can start messaging in Slack. • Admins have control over who can send & accept Slack Connect DMs, including limiting the ability to accept to organizations verified by Slack (
Benoit Chambon
So smart! Love the idea :D thanks for sharing and congrats on the launch!
Junior Owolabi
The Product Hunt Community are going to love this
Ashley Harrison
Just read the blog. This is awesome!!
Hugo Hattenville
Let's try it !!
Kerem Ali Kaynak
We've been using this feature to place CS reps directly into customer channels. Incredible value and congrats on the launch!
Sarah Wright
Freelancers and consultants will love this! It was a bit cumbersome to have multiple spaces. Can't wait to try it out.
Ryan Hitchler
Awesome. Will there be an API for creating the connection?
Derek Hollis
Top Product
@ryanhitchler No not at this time. That said, we announced the Slack Connect API is coming later this year to help create, approve, and monitor Slack Connect at scale ( We’re continuing to think about how various API endpoints could fit into the Slack Connect roadmap in the future.
Hugh Platt
Was the harassment potential of this product picked up at all during internal testing? If it was, why wasn't it dealt with before the roll out? And if somehow it wasn't, what changes are Slack going to make to their testing process to prevent this kind of mess in future?
Arpit Choudhury
I literally dreamed about this and the next day I read about it! Crazy!