Brian from Five Minute WatchKit here. This was so damn easy to deploy and it makes creating a public community on Slack a breeze. I'm glad Robleh posted it.
I found out about Slackin after joining the Apple Watch chat group Five Minute Watchkit. Check it out > http://slack.fiveminutewatchkit....
Slackin was made by @rauchg who wrote about it here. Here's what it let's you do:
1. Set up a landing page to invite users (with realtime updates of how many users are online and in the group)
2. Gives you an HTML badge with inline invitation capabilities
This is pretty great! I've seen Slack communities blossom all over the place, it's nice to see someone facilitating the integration part. I'm saving this for later as I'm sure I'll need this at some point :)
Found this today while I was joining the Slack community! I was going to use typeform to set up #FitFounder and #producthuntaustin but using this instead! nice work!
This is Awesome. Thank you for making it easy for non-tech ppl like me...followed your directions and deployed via herokuapp. Cheers!
Here's mine (already 18 in my writing group!): https://enigmatic-waters-3702.he...
Just wanted to report back that I've used this to build a 50-person beta reading team of my sci-fi/fantasy novel recently. Pretty slick! https://enigmatic-waters-3702.he...
Scorecard of the Apps
Jason and Tyler 100mph Podcast - Episode 1
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