Aaron Ng

Slate - A file storage network for IPFS & Filecoin


Slate is a fully open-source file sharing network designed for research and collaboration built by Protocol Labs for Filecoin. Store your data, organize it any way you like, and share it with the world securely. Built with Textile, and IPFS.

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Hey everyone πŸ‘‹ I work on Slate at Protocol Labs with @probablyharis, @martinalong, @astrangel00p, @jason_leyser, @gndclouds, @jordattebayo, and @akuokojnr. We are excited to invite you to try our vision for a product built on top of IPFS & Filecoin. Slate is open source software that makes it easy to collect, organize, and share your files anywhere on the web. The team choose to be open source because we want people to have more power over the software they use. We built on top of IPFS, Filecoin, and Textile services to demonstrate the capabilities of new modern web infrastructure. Slate is tightly scoped for the present and more broadly thought out for the future. Our goal is to create a best-in-class experience for uploading, collecting, and sharing media. Additional filetypes will be supported, but our focus is to start with the pieces that apply to everyone and then dial into specific formats. Come join our growing community of contributors from around the world. Open source brand book: https://slate.host/slate/brand Github: https://github.com/filecoin-proj... Let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
@scott_hanford thank you !! so proud of this this team :)
Rich Smith
@probablyharis @martinalong @astrangel00p @jason_leyser @gndclouds @jordattebayo @akuokojnr @meanjim great work everyone! This is super dope 🀟🏾
Thank you @richcsmith, that means a lot to us.
Achal Srinivasan
A beautiful & functional take on file-sharing with IPFS & Filecoin. Congratulations to the team for building a world-class, open-sourced, and first-of-its-kind product within months. The future is here, and it's called Slate ✨
@achalvs thank you for those kind words Achal! That means the world to our team, especially coming from you!
Jacob Waites
@meanjim First thing I tried to do was upload an illustrator file and it's not supported sadly! From a creative designer perspective .ai and .psd support and/or font files would make this not only a great curating tool but an awesome brand-guideline resource. I love the potential of this, just trying to build on it! Going to keep trying to find other ways to work this into my workflow.
Haris Butt
@imjacobwaites This is great feedback! Thank you for sharing. We've got .ai and .psd support on the way. It won't be long :)
Tara Lin
@imjacobwaites thanks Jacob for all the great feedbacks. And feel free to file an issue for any feature request ☺️ https://github.com/filecoin-proj...
great idea Jacob! We would love to expand on this with you !! Knowing @probablyharis and @astrangel00p their brains are already in overdrive with ideas :)
Jacob Waites
@gndclouds We should build a way to structure an IPFS-powered website hosting platform through slate, maybe like small victories (https://www.smallvictori.es/)?
William Felker
@imjacobwaites you read my mind, I already started the wireframes πŸ˜‰
William Felker
@imjacobwaites which templates would you want?
Jacob Waites
@gndclouds Feed is obvious (https://polaroids.smvi.co/) but I think even a static html one would be amazing. I loved museum when it was a thing and keep a blank slate on my account so I can copy it when I need to (https://museum-usuirnci.smvi.co/).
William Felker
@imjacobwaites dope! Those are great examples!
Alexander Singh
I think it's worth calling out Slate as an extraordinary achievement built on top of a succession of extraordinary achievements. It has taken many years of work for IPFS, Filecoin and Textile to evolve to the degree that an app like Slate could be built with them. Credit needs to also be given to Cake & the Slate team for bringing these technologies together into a chill user experience.
@automaticyes Alex this means the world to our team. Especially especially coming from you, I think our hope for a humanist-approach to blockchain may become a reality! I'm grateful for a ton of the support and learnings we took from everyone in the space. I can't wait for what is next for us in the future.
Thomas O'Brien
I heard someone say the other day, β€œI bet the Slate will be the first app to a million users on Filecoin.” Reckon that’s a great bet. I’m stoked to get my media off Instagram and Google and onto more a robust and beautiful product like Slate. Been awesome to see the product and the team around it develop in the open. They clearly have what it takes.
@listenaddress thank you Thomas, those words mean the world to us. It is going to be insane what we produce as this space develops. I'm proud to be in such good company.
Gabriel Chuan
Jim's a solid maker – I've used his product, reading.supply and loved it to bits. If he helped to launch Slate, you can be damn sure it's good stuff.
@gabrielchuan thanks Gabriel!
Markus Hafellner
@meanjim I see there is a 50GB storage limit. Why only 50GB and are there any plans on offering more?
@mhafellner hey thanks for the question! Appreciate you taking the time to reach out. + We are providing as much as we feel comfortable with for free right now. We felt 50GB was both at our technical limit and a value we could communicate really well to the public. + Our technology and our confidence will improve over time so we will offer more as we develop mastery over the Filecoin network. I hope that answers the question! Happy to have more dialog.
Markus Hafellner
@meanjim really appreciate you getting back to me! Do you think it makes sense to offer different storage packages for different prices or are you thinking about other levers for your pricing? Or is the blocker right now purely technical? Trying to gauge if you will offer more storage for money anytime soon, as I would happily pay πŸ˜‰
@mhafellner we plan to provide more options in 2-3 months after the Filecoin network launch. We're excited, we believe the economics of the network will allow for extremely competitive prices, but we also need to verify this truth in reality before we provide it as an option to all of our users. I think Slate will focus on uniform pricing at a certain range and then custom pricing based on usage dependent on whatever happens in the future. Thanks for your questions! I look forward to the future :)
Slate is an incredible new way to share files, built on some amazing tech. Congrats to @meanjim and co.
@jdsimcoe thank you for those kind words! very proud of this team :)
Jay Graber
Decentralized applications so often suffer from poor UX and design. Slate has gone above and beyond making a product that "just works" -- they have made something truly beautiful. You can't tell the files are being stored on a p2p network, although that in itself is a remarkable achievement building upon years of work. So excited to see where this goes. With applications like this, decentralized file-sharing may finally realize its potential and reach a wider market beyond p2p enthusiasts.
@arcalinea I am also really excited Jay! If you have any ideas our team would love to discuss with you and get you involved. There are so many fun things to explore!!
Ziyad Basheer
Ah, great to see Slate launched! I've been using it as an imgur replacement to create collections (albums) of images to share with my friends and colleagues.
@ziyadbasheer thanks a bunch Ziyad! As you think of more ideas we would love to hear them. Your feedback has been incredibly valuable.
Charles Vinette
Your projects are always interesting Jim and this is no different. What a beautiful product too.
@charlesvinette thank you for your kind words Charles!
Cameron Wheeler
Will you be adding support for .stl files and other 3D formats?
@cameronwheeler4 we can and should! I am creating a GitHub issue for this right after I hit reply.
Cindy Wu
@cindywu thank you Cindy!! Excited about the future!
Bring the dark mode πŸ’•
@heyayushh you got it! We'll definitely work on this.
Jake Tran
So is this like a free version of are.na?
@jake_tran hey Jake! Thanks for checking out Slate! Analogies to other products probably include: Dropbox, Box, are.na, Pinterest, Milanote, Tumblr, Ello, Livejournal, and a few others. Another fun tidbit is that we're open source so we're hopping people modify and change our software with us. It may end up taking a different visual form over time. Where the interface will really expand is when we start doing interfaces that represent the lattice and connections between what feels like objects in a "File/data genome" model (similar to Art genome models you see in museums like the Prado, etc).
Michael Mc Kain
using slate to host images for a new personal photo site. a wonderful experience :)
@michael_mckain glad to hear it! Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you :)
Ben South Lee
How can I not be excited for a product made by @meanjim, @martinalong, and @probablyharisβ€”the dream team.
We are lucky to stand on the shoulders of giants, @bnj your influence on us always sparks our ingenuity.
Coyne Lloyd
Jim is so dedicated, and builds gorgeous things. Excited to see this launch
@coyne_lloyd1 thank you so much !! this time around we got lucky with some super heroes. Today is now officially Martina Long day.
Juan Martin Seery
Hey @meanjim, could you explain me what's the difference between Slate and, for example Google Drive or Dropbox?
@juanm04 hey !! Thanks for reaching out. There is a lot I want to say in something more long form, but we can start with this: + As a developer, you can use Slate's development API to upload files just like you would with Amazon S3, Google Buckets, etc. If you have interest around Filecoin you can also use our extended API to explore the largest decentralized file storage network in the world. + As a researcher, we are exploring ways to organize data and draw connections between your files and other files, people. + For publishers, we are providing a way to publish and share and will expand a lot on how expressive people can be, check out: https://slate.host/jim/cake + We are open source. It should be easier to submit feature requests, implement features you want to see, and see how they work and take the code/design for yourself if you wanted to. Let me know if there is anything you'd like me to expand on, my time is yours!
@juanm04 thank you!