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Product Hunt
Stolen! β€” Collect & trade your favorite people on Twitter
Ryan Hoover
LOL, @ Nivo0o0:
Ryan Hoover
Best App Store description ever:
Nick O'Neill
Nice to see @blader getting back into the friends for sale game :)
Ghost Kitty
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Jacopo Agostini
Hi @blader I want to start using the App πŸ˜„ is possible receive another code? Pleaseeee
Joshua Dance
I used Stolen a lot for like 4 days but eventually stealing someone, having someone steal them back became a familiar pattern and I lost interest. But seriously, try this just for the fun UX. Great work.
Niv Dror
RIP Stolen ✊
Niv Dror
I'll post 200 new @GetStolen codes over here and on the ProductHuntTeam Snapchat at 10pm PST πŸ‘» (same time for both) Enter Code: πŸš€πŸ”₯πŸš€πŸ”₯πŸš€πŸ”₯
Sarthak Grover
@nivo0o0 No date on that soooo... I'm going to be hanging around tonight at 10pm waiting for those codes to show up! kthxbye
Niv Dror
Stolen is one of the funnest games/social apps/Twitter-thing I've experienced in a while. Give yourself an hour when you first log in -- it's addicting πŸ˜… Was great seeing the product develop over the last few weeks, congrats in the launch @Blader and the @GetStolen team!
Ghost Kitty
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Ghost Kitty
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@nivo0o0 Thanks Niv! Really glad to finally get some more people on Stolen 😊
Adam Marx
@nivo0o0 @blader @GetStolen This is super addictive, and I've been waiting to hop on board this train since I saw the PH team members playing with it over the last few weeks :) Setup is easy, and even though I'm not much into games generally, this is one I'm fairly sure will eat up a lot of my free time for the next month. Would love to see a Twitter desktop integration so I can play it there as well.
Zach Kahn
@nivo0o0 happen to have a code? Interested in giving this a spin but can't currently get in :(
Niv Dror
Niv Dror
I will post 100 new @GetStolen codes at the top of this page at 11:59pm. The code is: πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ (6 rocket emoji)
Yiğitcan Kutay Güler
@nivo0o0 These are also all used up :( do you have any more invites by any chance?
Brad Brooks
Wow, incredibly addictive :)
Alex Vanderzon
Anyone got a code they can send my way?
Cole Mercer
@nivo0o0 When's the next code drop? :)
Victoria Bujny
@saniul do the users actions, such as gaining or losing followers impact their price? Asking for ...strategyπŸ’°
@toria_talk number of followers on Twitter determines your base price in Stolen 😊 Beyond that, everything just happens in Stolen itself
Victoria Bujny
I really like the idea of the categories section that is coming soon, however, I only found out by accidentally swiping. When it's launched I'd make it more visible so users know there's a menu. :) Also, do you see this game as progressing into an avenue for users to find new people of interest to follow on Twitter?
Ghost Kitty
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Abe Storey
This is amazing. Addictive and fun..although I wish I understood what drives the point system better. Seems somewhat random now. Can you shed any light @saniul
@abe_storey Whenever you steal somebody, their value goes up a bit. If somebody steals them away from you – you get a profit.
@abe_storey Profiles that are in your collection generate coins over time – you can see the piles of coins on their cards, which you can tap to collect.
Tony Million
@nivo0o0 They went fast ;)
Bryce Daniel
Anyone with an invite left?
Bryce Daniel
What makes the value of an account go up?
Ryan Hoover
So, @getstolen just tweeted: I can't tell if this is real or marketing. πŸ‘
Owen Williams
@rrhoover it's dead, Jim! Gone from all the app stores.
Tony Million
@rrhoover 😭
Ryan Hoover
It's not a joke. Here's @jessmisener's Buzzfeed article. πŸ‘»