Nick Abouzeid

Slik - Get automated leads from a database of 70 million people 📊


Slik is a platform that automates sales prospecting and lead generation. We've built a database of over 70 million people and created a simple way to filter through that database so that salespeople can save time and easily find leads that they want to reach out to.

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Stefan Stokic
Hi everyone! I'm Stefan, the co-founder of Slik, we're excited to be on Product Hunt today, and launching our latest product, an all-new way to automate prospecting and lead generation. We've built up a database of over 70 million people and created a a simple way to filter through that database so that salespeople can save time and automate their process of gathering leads and figuring out who to reach out to. Last year, we originally launched a Chrome extension that could find anyone's email address, but we realized that salespeople still had major issues with their workflow. So over the past few months, we've been focusing on creating our latest product, which solves a majority of the core issues we've seen salespeople have for prospecting. We collect all of our data without any human involvement, which allows us to have much higher accuracy than competitors(95% email accuracy compared to 50 - 60%), and be 1/3 of the cost. We're offering a 50 lead free trial, so would love for you to test it out & hear your feedback! Feel free to comments here, or email me, if you have any questions or comments.
Seth Louey
@slik @stefanstok @soroushg_ Congrats on the hustle and hard work. Been watching this product grow from the initial concept.
@slik @stefanstok I signed up for a trial and tried exporting 7 leads and it didn't have email addresses for 5 of them, but it deducted credits for all 7. Does it count records without emails against the credits in the premium account as well?
Ram Rayavarapu
@slik @stefanstok Congrats Stefan. I dont see the lead details after I create the list. Am I missing something?
Carla Daeninckx
@slik @stefanstok Nice work. My partner is a interior designer, would you recommend for generating local leads?
Sam Sexton
I'd be very cautious using any email leads like this outside of the US. While it doesn't breach CAN-SPAM, it does breach PECR, CASL, German law and the upcoming GDPR to name a few. My advice is never to send cold emails.
Steven Hambleton
@samsexton I think there's a distinction between selling and marketing here. If the data was collated from public sources and not from lists where the user gave permission for something else entirely then it should be fine. As long as it's transactional and not marketing. Adding these into a sales sequence and waiting for a reply is no different from researching yourself and emailing personally. *As long as all these emails are gathered from public sources.*
Kumar Thangudu
@samsexton Your advice is poorly positioned. Here's some evidence:
Sam Sexton
@stinhambo unfortunately the law just isn't with you on this. The PECR regulations for instance, prohibit unsolicited mail to individuals and it makes special note that an individual is any one person. So public or not, that does not omit email senders from the law.
Sam Sexton
@datarade On the contrary I think good business ethics and following the law of the countries in which you send are very good bits of advice.
Kumar Thangudu
@stinhambo @samsexton How do you think LinkedIn grew massive? or SocialCam? etc... Your advice is okay, but not good for new companies in the USA.
Basil Farraj
Stefan, cool idea. But who are these people? how did you collect them?
Stefan Stokic
@basilfarraj Great question! We've spent the last few months perfecting our data gathering system, and it primarily focuses on people and their professional information. We index, crawl, and scrape the public web to gather this information, and then verify this data using data cleaning techniques and some machine learning. Some sources we use include social media sites, public directories, government filings, etc. We scrape hundreds of millions of sites a month to keep this data clean.
Danny Florian
@basilfarraj @stefanstok how often do you re-scrape the data...people move so just wondering
Soroush Ghodsi
@basilfarraj @stefanstok @dnyflorian Our data is updated every month, we've seen about 6-8% of data goes stale every month so it's really important that everything is done recently.
Tobin Smith
@basilfarraj @stefanstok So Stefan...I have big opportunity if I could scrape first last and email from the public web for people over 25 who self-identify as politically liberal, progressive or "never Trump"... ON Facebook ads we do great with selects where people like Obama, Michelle O, Clinton, or media like Daily Koz. Could your public web data gathering machine help me on this? I'd do a very profitalbe revenue share with you all! Tobin Smith Thanks...
Soroush Ghodsi
Hey Makers! I'm Soroush, the co-founder of Slik. Thank you Nick for hunting us. We have a free trial of 50 credits if you signup at Would love to get feedback and I'll be on Product Hunt all day today answering questions, so ask away.
Is this legal to use? How can I email someone from my business, with what will basically be a sales pitch, when they have never opted into being contacted?
Soroush Ghodsi
@angus_halen You can send cold emails in the US and most other countries by following CAN-SPAM or respective guidelines. You just have to make sure you include a few things like a way to opt out of future emails, make sure the email is not misleading, etc. You can read more about it here -
@soroushg_ thanks for this info. Sounds pretty dodgy though. I'm not sure if you're aware of the new laws landing in Europe early next year.
@soroushg_ some info for anyone in the U.K. - cold emailing can lead to a minimum £5000 fine and as of march next year the fines are increasing to be absolutely astronomical:
Joshua Miller
Nice! It mentions on the home page '95%+ Email Accuracy'. Are users still charged for incorrect emails?
Stefan Stokic
@joshuajomiller Hey Joshua, we only charge users for emails that we find and are deliverable.
Joseph Ayoub
@joshuajomiller @stefanstok Hey Joshua. The product seems really cool, but I got 35 credits used (out of the free 50) and I have 7 emails once I upload this into my mailchimp account. Is there a way to just select those with emails ?
Joshua Miller
@stefanstok @joseph_ayoub Joseph, I recommend you asking your question to @stefanstok the maker. I am just an interested PH'er :) I Can't help you with you questions!
Rustin Rassoli
Love the product and the founders!
Gorkem Cetin
One question - is this 95% accuracy an overall percentage or do some of the categories listed there have higher/lower accuracies as well?
Soroush Ghodsi
@gorkemcetin There is certainly variance depending on the person and their employer's online presence. Generally, it should be over 90% for any industry though.
Rami Ghanem
Love the dedication and hard work of this team. Been following along since the beginning. Seriously a helpful tool and I'm glad others agree too. Good luck! 👍🏻🙏🏻
Stefan Stokic
@rghanem1 thanks Rami for all your help since the start🙏
Abhi Vyas
Incredible product, and an even better team! Keep it up, guys :D
Soroush Ghodsi
@abhisek_vyas Thank you!
Eddie Wang
Congrats on the launch @stefanstok been using Slik since the beta days. Works quite well and the email data is very accurate. I'm sure it has only gotten better since.
Soroush Ghodsi
@stefanstok @eddiepluswang Thanks a lot Eddie!
Ranidu Lankage
Just tried this! Great product. Upvoted.
Stefan Stokic
@ranidu Thanks Ranidu! :) Appreciate it.
Daniel Greenberg
This is seriously useful
Soroush Ghodsi
@15greenberg Thank you! What you guys are doing at Privacy is great.
Guy Mazzeo
Superb work Stefan and Soroush
Stefan Stokic
@guymazzeo Thank you!! :)
Dominic Fitch-Jones
This is really cool, @stefanstok & @soroushg_! Super stoked to see the second ideation of Slik's vision for the future of sales automation. Keep up the great work!
Stefan Stokic
@soroushg_ @dmfj Thanks Dominic, appreciate you testing it out early on!
Bryan Weis
Love the new product guys! I was an early Slik user back in the Chrome extension days and it's been great to watch the product evolve. Do you have plans to add other types of metadata to the service?
Paul Manwaring
Homepage really needs to show some of the USP's of this product and how this list is better than just buying a spammed list from a seller from another source. How do we know we are getting getting quality leads?
Casey Kerr
Best startup founder out of Jackson, MS. Ever. 😂
Jonathan Zinger
Another awesome product from the amazing team at Slik! Been trying out the beta for the past few weeks and it works great. Definitely going to change the prospecting/lead generation game!
Kumar Thangudu
What's the next big evolution of Obviously I've been a fan since the start. What next? (I used to use your chrome extension)