@_jacksmith The main differences between the two are:
- 2.0 is linen, which lasts 10x longer than cotton
- It's extremely breathable & hypoallergenic
- It only gets softer the more you use/wash it
Also going direct to consumer, we're able to cut down costs, with similar brands retailing for $600 - $1,000.
Both versions have the unique design, but the material and some design details are what mainly sets the two apart.
@mikepreuss Hey Mike!
Totally get it. Although when compared to other companies selling linen bedding (not cotton), our price point is incredibly competitive.
When you factor in the fact that linen lasts 10x longer than cotton, it becomes an easier number to stomach. :)
I was looking at Brooklinen and other similar sets and was looking to purchase soon. Do you have a PH discount code you'd be willing to share publicly or privately via PM?
Congrats on the relaunch. I like the site although I do have to agree with other comments regarding the copy. I really found it hard to grasp what you were selling apart that's different from the competition. The product isn't something I'd buy so I can't comment on the price-tag. I'd of taken an iron to those sheets before photos though π
Love the product & website! Smashed the product imagery/lookbook too. Found myself searched the site for an explainer video, I think that'd go a long way.
@kkdub The duvet cover and the sheet are cut to the same size. You sleep under both as you normally would, but the connected design prevents the sheet from getting misaligned, and bunched up at your feet during the night.
Hey all, this is our newest product from Need/Want. We have a whole backstory to this that involves losing $100,000 with a bad manufacturer. We'll be putting together a blog post today about that. I'm happy to answer any questions!
@marshal That sucks about the manufacturer. I'd love to read that post. Anything you think we can do at Flexport to help you and others avoid that situation?
@marshal Hi Marshall -- I am very interested in learning a little bit more about your need/want site. I am an entrepreneur working on a startup home product company. And would love to learn about what constitutes a "need/want" product for you, and what you look for in a company worth posting. Thank you so much!
@joshuapinter The main difference is now we're using ultra high quality French linen.
This is good because:
- It lasts 10x longer than cotton
- It only gets softer the more you use/wash it
- It's highly breathable & hypoallergenic
We're also cutting out the middle man. Our bedding is manufactured right along side similar brands that retail for $600 - $1,000.
Congratulations @marshal! I was just chatting with my mom the other day and she mentioned this problem (sheets moving around under the duvet). It's crazy this solution isn't available more widely. Also, love the new colours!!
I didn't see anything on the website that explains why this is better than other bedding. Specifically where the "Never Make Your Bed Again" bit comes in.
@avizuber I think I found the answer on this page: http://smartbedding.com/pages/de... "By introducing a snap system along the left and right edges of the duvet cover and top sheet, the two pieces will always stay aligned." I agree it should be on the very first page of the site. Still not sure that convenient snap system strikes me as 'reinvention' or 'smart'. It more looks like that some guys try make Moleskin among bedding. It's not that Moleskin is not worth it, it is just overhyped.
@naweg@avizuber Agreed about video, and I'd add that maybe I'm living a vastly different life than others here, but your "revolutionary price" of $349 REALLY lost me. The last time I splurged on bedding I paid around $150. And that was a BIG splurge for me.
@avizuber Yes, I was looking around for the same thing. @gubarev found it buried in a "Story". Would be nice if they moved that to the front of their site.
I received an e-mail from these guys today thanking me for visiting their website, and for joining their mailing list. Then I received a follow-up e-mail to advise me of their new product launch.
The thing is.. I didn't visit their website today, and I certainly didn't join their mailing list - and I DEFINITELY didn't join it with the e-mail address I reserve exclusively for a certain slack group, which I guess they have harvested.
@m_mozafarian That would be a start! In addition to the connected design, we've made many improvements including high quality linen, pillows cases that fully tuck (I hate it when my pillow comes out of its case during the night), and other design tweaks.
Quite misleading headline. I had to check out the Smart Bedding (1.0?) Product Hunt page just to see what the "Never make your bed again" means.
Basically, the duvet and top sheet are the same size and clasp together - you still have to make your bed just not as hard when the 2 pieces are separated.
I've never heard of a top sheet before until I watched the video.
Cool website though and love the minimalistic approach but it did nothing to explain the claim.
@andreflores87 It must be a cultural thing. Here in Italy, I don't use a top sheet with a duvet cover either. No problem. Maybe with expensive linens, though, you'd need that separation between body and duvet cover?
@simplygrey@andreflores87 Second that. Besides some fancy hotels, I've never seen most people use a top sheet+duvet combination. Even in northern hemisphere - it's just a blanket in a case and that's it.
Hustle X