SmartGrip by Umbrella Sports
Enjoy better golf, instantly.
Jared Lewandowski
SmartGrip Golf β€” Upgrade your golf glove with an AI-powered grip assistant
The fastest way to improve your golf game and get more distance and consistency off the tee. SmartGrip is an AI-powered golf grip training aid with real-time hand position and motion technology permitted for on-course use in practice and competition.
Jared Lewandowski
Anyone golfers out there struggle with a slice? Nervous off the tee? Lose a dozen balls each round? What if I told you there is a way to instantly fix that? Introducing, SmartGrip.
Jemima Lang
Fantastic launch, SmartGrip team! 🌟 Best of luck, and I’m looking forward to seeing more from you!
Kim Sandoval
Best of luck, and I’m looking forward to seeing more from you!
Thanks again for creating such a great product.
Jared Lewandowski
@maymemary Appreciate the support!
Sheridan Borowiec
Best of luck, and I’m looking forward to seeing more from you!
Katerine Dauberman
Congrats on launching SmartGrip! This product sounds amazing for golfers. The real-time hand position and motion technology to instantly fix your slice and get more distance off the tee are fantastic features. I love that it's the first grip training aid approved and permitted during your round and under the rules of golf. This is exactly what I needed to improve my game and enhance my performance on the course.
Jared Lewandowski
@katerine_dauberman Thank you! Can't wait for you to try it!