Kevin William David

Smash Notes - Podcast highlights without the fluff

On Smash Notes you can sample the most interesting bits from podcasts. Every day, you quickly learn something new.

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John Morrison
Seems like a hell of a way to keep up with the deluge of fantastic content being put out in podcasts these days.
Kirill Zubovsky
@kmore thanks Kerry, you know it!
Kirill Zubovsky
Hi Everyone, I am Kirill and I am the maker of Smash Notes. The goal is very simple - What if you could unlock all the knowledge in the 30 million+ estimated podcasts episodes that exist in the world today? Smash Notes gives you that ability. We unlock a lifetime of long-form audio content, and assemble insights on any subject, just for you. Smash started as a side project, but it quickly became obvious to me that so many more podcast hosts and listeners could benefit from sharing this platform. With just a click you can now learn about Justin Kan’s startup journey, and contrast and compare that with Ryan Hoover’s lessons from Product Hunt, get a peek at what Don Valentine of Sequoia thinks of Facebook, and see Paul Graham's thoughts of VCs and Y Combinator back in 2009. Podcasts hold an enormous amount of insights, but unless we unlock them, and make them discoverable, most of this amazing information will not be found. But you can help! If you share Smash Notes with your favorite podcaster, and encourage your friends to join in, we can all expand our knowledge and elevate so many new podcasts to greatness! Together, we can create a medium that make any long-form content, snackable, sharable, and thus accessible around the world. Let's talk about this. ps. Huge thanks for @kevin for hunting Smash. You rock!
Kai Gradert
Love this. It's a smart way to lead with questions. It almost feels like Quora with audio. How do you transcribe this volume of podcasts?
Kirill Zubovsky
@kaigradert Thanks Kai! Indeed, the goal is to be Quora-like and be able to answer any questions with a bit of audio, and sometimes, multiple audios from different podcasts. For example, see how on this episode Chamath talks about Silicon Valley being a ponzi scheme? Having access to other podcasts we can immediately link it with Bryce Roberts explaining a similar concept on another podcast. It's magic, and it only gets better with time!
Kirill Zubovsky
@kaigradert Oh, and to answer your question, Amazon, they have a rather complex, but also versatile podcasting service. Took a while to figure it out and to set up, but now every episode takes about 10-20 minutes, depending on lengths.
Jennifer Toda
Ha! It gives a full written transcript of the podcasts if you click the title! So this is like a place to quickly browse for contents inside podcasts before wasting time listening. Cool!
Kirill Zubovsky
@jenntoda Yup! You can read the notes or read a transcript, whatever you are into!
Paul Orlando
Great execution on this!
Kirill Zubovsky
@porlando Thanks Paul, so much more to come! It's been a real joy seeing these highlights come together, and the opportunity is massive!
Kirill Zubovsky
@porlando Paul, if you like unintended consequences, and I happen to know you do, you are going to love this bit from @jason new podcast -
James Beshara
this is really killer! Congrats Kirill!
Kirill Zubovsky
@tilt Thanks James! Love having Below the Line on Smash. My favorite episodes is with @justinkan --
Hans Dekker
Just had a look and this is amazing. I most definitely will be following along, very impressive!
Kirill Zubovsky
@hans_dekker Thanks Hans, appreciate it. Welcome to Smash Notes!
Steve Mattus
Signed up.... Love it.... this is really useful. Thank you!!!
Kirill Zubovsky
@steve_mattus Thanks Steve, glad it is useful!
Kai Gradert
Also, any plans for a mobile version? It seems like a perfect app to kill time on a commute or in between daily routines.
Kirill Zubovsky
@kaigradert Yeah, a mobile-optimized version that just works would be lovely. As a sole founder I am under capacity to do it right now, but once I either get revenue or funding, I can find a way. The challenge with mobile development is how much of it changes every year, and once you start with a mobile version, you have to keep a team just to maintain it.
Dave Schappell
I long ago got overwhelmed with the podcast content river, so have loved getting my startup-themed podcast content curated by Kirill and Smash Notes. If you haven't tried it before, I recommend it.
Kirill Zubovsky
@daveschappell Thanks David. It's a joy to have you on the site!
Kirill Zubovsky
@daveschappell Dave, you know what's my favorite bit of podcasting with you in it? This Kruze episode where you explain how Bezos is just a machine, and we need to send a terminator back in time ... anyway, it's all in here -
Liam Sarsfield
Really excited to see this take shape.
Rob Kenedi
Great idea - wanted to do this with my old show and happy to see someone smart actualize this :) Congrats!
Kirill Zubovsky
@rkenedi Rob! It’s been a while. Glad you like it. I’ll reach out in a separate email. Let’s connect.
Robin Good
What languages are supported? English only?
Kirill Zubovsky
@robingood Hi Robin, right now I've only loaded English podcasts, but in theory, it can be in any language. Email me if you want support for a specific podcast/language, and I'll see what I can do.
Robin Good
Thanks @smashnotes @kirillzubovsky ! I have a good following among Italian readers, and as everywhere else, there are a lot of Italian podcasts right now that would benefit from your great tool.
Kyle Tibbitts
Really great tool for podcast creators and consumers – super easy to use!
Kirill Zubovsky
@kyletibbitts Thanks Kyle ! Let's see more of your podcast on the front page!
Anthony Armendáriz
Smash Notes has made a big impact and we can't wait to use it more.
Raz kaplan
Nice interface, did you see Audioburst ?
Kirill Zubovsky
@raz_kaplan Thanks Raz! Yeah, I've seen them. Those guy raised $25 million dollars before, focusing on some ML-audio-parsing, but I think that a community of passionate podcasters and listeners, bundled with some technology, could do a lot more with a lot less :)
Kirill Zubovsky
If you haven't had a chance to try it yet, check out this interview with @garrytan and you'll see the power of Smash Notes first-hand!