Thing to note here is that only Snap can really pull this off. This is Snap doubling down on it's strength - intimacy. You only want to share your location with your closest. This will not work on IG or FB because your friend graph isn't intimate enough on those platforms.
Also on a side note the use of Bitmoji is genius as it helps alleviate the creepiness factor of it all and not make into a "serious" thing. Gives it a playfulness factor not to mention a whole variety of things to share vs just your face on a map.
@danielrakh Instagram use to have a photo map. It was pretty awesome. Had they kept it, they would have naturally added stories to the map as well. This is evident in the fact that they have location specific stories.
@_gordee those are completely different features. This is live location sharing with friends which will eventually bloom into many more features...not geotagging.
@danielrakh Snap Maps is more than just location sharing with friends. Its mostly public content discovery. Tap anywhere on the map and see snaps that have been contributed to "Our Story" from total strangers. 90% of users will barely have any friends using the feature to make it worth while. Additionally facebook has live location sharing and will ping you any time friends are "nearby".
@_gordee the public content discovery is secondary..its first and foremost a spin on your top friends list. Watch their promo video above for what use case they're going for. Facebook's live location sharing is creepy and out of context and pretty much no one opts to use it outside of SV.
@gabriel__lewis Doesn't Instagram have a map feature currently for your photos? Shouldn't be too hard to add over instagram stories to it! They already have location stories when you search.
@yo@gabriel__lewis They used to have a personal map that would show you a location on a map of where you took all your photos. It was for your eyes only. And they removed the feature! haha....Looks like it's making a comeback!
@yo@gabriel__lewis instagram shut down their map two years ago. You can still see your own photos but you can't see other users photos' on map. I miss that feature
@revhuff FYI i just signed up for uZoom via the website. downloaded the app and tried to sign in only to get this error "Please enter a valid email address." I am using a email address. i have received the confirmation email so my email was accepted on setup.
@the_real_jw sadly at this time our current version does not recognize the "+" as a valid character.
I have a solution that could work though, feel free to email me at so we can get this sorted out.
ACTIONMOJI - huuuuuuuuh?!
It's easy to get started — just pinch to zoom out and view the Map! You decide if you want to share your location with friends, or simply keep it to yourself with Ghost Mode.
If your friends are sharing their location with you, their Actionmoji will appear on the Map. Actionmojis only update when you open Snapchat.
Loving this new feature. I'll be ghosting, but creeping on what's going on in the area for sure.
It looks like an upgrade to foursquare (minus reviews)
How to view Snap Map:
📱Update Snapchat App
👌 On the camera screen pinch like you're zooming out
🗺 You've got a map!
@tranvu That's definitely interesting. I guess most people just download and skip the in-app notifications.
Hopefully this bounces that trend, I see a lot of potential in this.
@mmt@metalhaze well, I understand English well, Alex. :) I was stressing the fact that Instagram never had a map-like product experience, and I was asking what you mean by 'ditches' in this context. on a related note though, yes, Instagram launched location-based stories recently.
@arunsathiya Nope that's not true. Instagram did have a map feature that allowed you to view where a photo was taken on a map. They removed the feature. So either you never knew about it or you used Instagram after they removed it.
So I just used this for the past 10 minutes and realized that it's Chat Roulette with no dicks and slightly more interesting content. You don't need to be friends with someone to see their public snap. People need to watch out though because they are posting snaps with illegal drugs and now their exact location is being pinpointed on a map as well as a time stamp telling people how long ago you posted it. I can see this update pissing people off when they realize that literally ANYONE can see your snaps on a map now. (and they had no idea about the update and didn't change their privacy settings)
@metalhaze Whoa, really? Like if you post to your story it's up for anyone to see not just your followers? (I can't seem to open map yet. Maybe not in Canada yet?)
@jonovono Well not quite sure how it works but I been looking at completely random people's snaps. Tapping a "hotspot" color on the map let's you see that snap. I saw drugs, people's kids, high school kids complaining about finals, college kids complaining about finals, some dude in a helicopter. You have no idea what you are going to see when you tap a hotspot
You only see content that a user adds to "Our Story" and not "My Story". So your story is still not visible to anyone other than your friends unless you opt in and share to "Our Story".
I love this idea, however I don't think it will get as much traction as expected with older teenagers who (1) don't want to leave location services on because it's a battery drain (2) care somewhat about their privacy
@aldenmarshall it looks like your location only updates when you open the app, which means there won't be any background location battery drain.
Snapchat is in a unique position to pull this off, since user's have other incentives to open the app (Share their experiences via the camera), which in turn updates their location
Not an original idea in the slightest, but that doesn't matter, because it's all about network effects. I give Instagram maybe 7 days to do the same thing.
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