
Snap Map for Web - Snap Map, now on the web 🌎


The Snap Map is a feature that lets you see where all your friends on the platform were at any given time – provided they were okay with sharing that info. Now there’s a version of Snap Map available for anyone to view on the web -- Snap Map for Web.

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Ryan Hoover
Reminds me of the Facebook Live Map. Snap's quietly moving into Yelp/Foursquare territory. I wouldn't doubt if Snap's already circling Foursquare for an acquisition.
@rrhoover Meanwhile, Foursquare HQ 3.0 is happening.
@rrhoover Pretty sad that Facebook killed livemap. Browsing that map of people live streaming was top 5 all time for most fun internet experience.
The most interesting part of this is that I think this is the beginning of having Snaps and Stories live outside of the 👻 garden. If you click into a story you can now copy a link or get embed code!
Ashley Kruempel
About time Snapchat makes a move! The ability to communicate, create, and build community through Snapchat is far superior than any other platform. I only wish more practitioners were out there preaching about its capabilities so people could really see the power of Snapchat. Especially from the business perspective, Snapchat has had to be where your people already are up until this point but I see this as a huge milestone in stepping forward!
Great to see Snap Maps available on the web now @evanspiegel -- what was the motivation behind making them more accessible even to non-app users? 👻
Moath AlShowaiman

maybe a web client/page to watch snaps from friends that would be nice, just like the one that instagram has.


beautiful design + starting to show care about web users.


i don't care about the content in snap map.

Chand Sethi

If this goes well, more and more media outlets will start embedding Stories from Snap Map for breaking news (such as Hurricane Harvey, Las Vegas Shooting etc.)

Eventually, it will reach Twitter/Facebook/News to the older audiences- people Snapchat is trying to lure in 2018.


Easier to embed stories based on location


None so far

Christopher Leach

This new update kinda ruined UX for me, also snap maps is cool but I find it creepy so I turn it off and never look.


Nice interface


Don't care about snap map, just who snaps me

Brad Bitler
Love this! The embed feature is super cool too
petro semenyuk
Сonvenient and affordable application. I use it for a long time I am satisfied
henry thompson
great app easy to use
Steven Tonson
Emma Gold
Cool! Thank you
Shohn Potter
Pretty handy! Love it
Dmitry Prokhorov
Another cool feature to be cloned by Facebook/Instagram :)
Product Pearson
I'm not a fan of SnapChat, but this Snap Map is very cool and I spent a good hour playing around with it last night visiting countries all over the world. Very cool.
Gary Archie
Design is good
Inna Semenyuk
Great product that creates new opportunities for brands. While I wouldn't thin that Snapchat's core audience would care about the web version of the Snap Map, brands can create event opportunities and they can actually embed the link to the public story on their website or share the direct link on social media. So this move is targeting businesses and preparing Snapchat for a bigger move towards making a compelling offer for brands (including future ad products within Snap Map). I described some of the benefits for brands here:
Tauno Nakuhaka
would be greater of an app if it could be also on PCs not only mobile
Andrey Krivoshapkin
Cool, but WhatsApp better